CH subadult Giant Fischers

Mike Fisher

Established Member
Great Looking Fischers! Thanks for sharing the pics ;). Is that a Dieffenbachia they are on??? I didn't think they would support their weight.
Thanks guys! Plant is some sort of hosta I dug up from the yard a few years ago. These guys are probably a bit too well fed but they love to feed from my hand. They are very spoiled because I only feed them the freshly molted dubias. My roach colony is huge now so plenty to choose from. I'm hoping my K mats. group will breed next spring.
i love this breed of chameleon, i have one as well. their colors are beautiful, sometimes mine gets a greyish sky blue on places around his neck and front feet. his colors are best when hes out in the daytime sun. they go from dark browns to neon greens, theyre awesome!
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