Cham´s behaviour?


Okay, my male veiled cham is acting normal, He´s drinking, has normal poop, basking and so on. Only problem is with him eating. I mean, he eats 4 to 6 crickets every day. Problem is in that I have to show him cricket in front of his face (5 centimetres away) as I hand-feed him. He climbs on my arm, when he wants. It has been like this for over 2 weeks. Do you think it is just his personality or something else?
I´ll get pics when I can
Okay, my male veiled cham is acting normal, He´s drinking, has normal poop, basking and so on. Only problem is with him eating. I mean, he eats 4 to 6 crickets every day. Problem is in that I have to show him cricket in front of his face (5 centimetres away) as I hand-feed him. He climbs on my arm, when he wants. It has been like this for over 2 weeks. Do you think it is just his personality or something else?
I´ll get pics when I can

He could be getting bored with the crickets. Do you feed him anything else? Mix it up a little with superworms, horn worms, silk worms, etc. You can also try just not feeding him for a couple of days; again he could just be over the crickets all day every day and doesn't want to look at them anymore! haha He will be fine not eating for a couple days, and he will be more interested when you toss some food in again.
I give him some strawberries, cucumbers, and other "safe" vegetables/fruit.

That's good! I would still add in one or two other types of live feeders; I haven't had a veiled, though. And yeah give it a day or two with nothing, see how that goes. Good luck!
If he has injured his tongue or has an infection in it or has a nutrient imbalance causing him not to be able to extend his tongue fully that might be why he's not eating properly.
Is there any way I can check him by myself?

When he eats you can look in his mouth and see if you notice anything is wrong. But it's hard to tell if they injured their tongue aside from the obvious realizing they aren't shooting or not shooting from a far. If he has a mouth infection then you would have to take him to the vet. However if nothing seems particularly wrong besides his ignoring the crickets I would try what the first person said and mix up his feeders. Chameleons can be real divas when they want to be and will absolutely refuse to eat the same thing over and over.
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