cham died


Established Member
my 1st chameleon quazo died around a month ago at the hearty old age of 5 and 11 months, i would have told u all sooner, but i didnt think of it, here are some pics of him.




wow five years old? I am sorry for your loss but you should be proud of yourself. I have never seen anyone have a chameleon that long.
Wow. You must have taken awesome care of him. Im sure he went happy. Sorry for your loss man.
we dont know, one day he is fine, the next day he is on the floor looking pale. and btw, thanks for the congrats about 5yrs, but there was someone on here who had hers till it died at 7.5 yrs
That sucks especially so young and especially your first cham!
It's always worse when they die halfway into their full lifespan,
I had a male veiled die at 6 years from a spider bite, it was upsetting.
Sorry for your loss! He looks like a seriously healthy boy in the pictures so he must have had a great life!
Hey chammboy if he was five when he died that means you were keeping chams at 7 years old , pretty impressive ! JUST JOKING BUDDY ! Where you been ? and sorry bout your cham
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