Cham drinkng question


New Member
Guy I've always pictured any lizard drinking water by sipping it up or licking it but I've noticed my Cham attacks water droplets as if this hunting crickets do they all do this?
get a dripping system, chams don't drink standing water... hope your cham is not too dehydrated yet... could be bad if it is
My chamelon shoots his tongue at water droplets also from my dripper. That is the only way I see him drink! He is a panther by the way. Actually the water drips down and accumulates on a branch and he waits for the right time and shoots the droplet!

Yes, that is normal, some Chams do "shoot" at water droplettes. Mine does but he also licks water from the leaves as well.

Another key element is how much. A well hydrated Panther should have a nicely bulged head on either side of the sagittal crest, the bony ridge that runs down the center of the animal's skull on the TOP. As they gather excess water it collects there for future dry spells.
My chamelon shoots his tongue at water droplets also from my dripper. That is the only way I see him drink! He is a panther by the way. Actually the water drips down and accumulates on a branch and he waits for the right time and shoots the droplet!

That's exactly what he dose it's fun to watch he actually goes hunting around the cage for them. Well least a know now that he's drinking plenty!
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