Avid Member
Normal lighting is not acceptable. You need a UVB tube and proper supplimentation or your chameleon is going to get MBD (which is what i was allready suspecting with the swelling of the limbs)
Is not an acceptable answer for us to help you. Stating that "its good" makes me think you dont even know it yourself - that is a problem. Your supplementation also needs help. T-rex cham formula is great as a multi-vit, but you also need to get calcium with d3 and calcium without d3.
You need to loose the substrate (I dont even want to get into this argument again with folks, but the fact is you are at risk for impaction with that bark substance) and get a new cage. If she is already 6 months old, you need to get her out of that glass oven.
I suspect that the eye issues are stemming from a combination between improper lighting and supplimentation. Since we dont know your temps or humidity, cant really help ya there either. Chameleons do this with their eyes quite offen, but i have never seen it bulge that much, and both at the same time. They clean their eyes this way, but yea.. certainly looks like something is not right there.
Poor little girl Read up on the proper husbandry for these guys, and try again. Dont let this stop your love for the species! Remember, we all make mistakes, and we all learn from them Good Luck!
To be honest someone who is not willing answer the questions fully about how their setup is with their sick cham shouldnt be buying another chameleon. It bothers me when new users come on and ask q's about their chams on the verge of death because if they came when their cham was sick, they could have found the site before they got a chameleon because i feel any responsible pet owner should research before they buy ANY kind of pet. Sorry to sound harsh chamele on but you never going to get proper help for your animal if you give half ass answers. Sorry for you loss but if you do decide to try again you have alot of reading to do if you want to keep them alive.