Cham getting ready to bed to early.


New Member
Hey guys,

So my new 2.5 month old Ambi seems to be getting ready for bed really early. His lights dont go out till 8:30 and he gets down where he sleeps around 5:30 6:00. hes not sleeping but curles his tail up and just sits there till lights go out then falls asleep.

Does anyone els notice this behavior in there chams. Is it normal? Do i need to change my light schedule. right now they come on at 8:00 and go off at 8:30.

any input is appreciated.
At that young, I don't think he should be bedding early. Is he lethargic? Any other odd behaviors? If you fill out the How to ask for help forum, it will tell us more about what could be causing it.

I noticed that behavior in my cham, but he was sick, so resting was important. Hope I can help!
oh i forgot to mention that he is still settling in. ive only had him for 4 days.

He has a reptisun 5.0 on top of his enclosure. Hes not lethargic. ate about 25 crix earlier and i observe him drink every morning.
He's probably fine. It's not uncommon at any age for a chameleon to stick their head under a leaf while lights are still on, or get in their sleeping position several hours before their actual "bed time" is
He's probably fine. It's not uncommon at any age for a chameleon to stick their head under a leaf while lights are still on, or get in their sleeping position several hours before their actual "bed time" is

I agree with this, that they will get into sleeping position sometimes way before the lights go out. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Hi deven,
It's not a big deal if they're getting ready for night night. Now if they're actually sleeping during the day, then It's something to look into further. I'm sure he's just settling in to his new home. He's eating and drinking so he's doing well. Besides, he's probably not used to having a whole cage to himself. ;)
Mine usually goes into sleep mode around 6:00 pm (lights off at 8)

Not alarming since he is very active throughout the day and goes pretty wild on his free range.

My dog does the same thing, goes balls to the wall all day and rests during the evening/night.
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