Cham Holding

My cham fell asleep on his freerange te other day, he looked so precious I had to pet him, so I started stroking his head down his back to his tail and he opened his eye, and like stared ate while I was Pettin n talking to him and he closed his eyes and fell back asleep while I was petting him
Mines kinda viv defensive. if i put my hand in i get hissed at and bitten.
if i gently lean the plant shes on out of the viv she is absoluilty fine. loves being stroked under her chin and raises her head up when she wants.
I think she sees the viv as her territory. no visitors welcome!!:)

^^ This!!

He wants nooo part of me once he is in the viv. I use a wooden hanger and once he gets on and i take him out he is totally calm. And if i put him back in the viv he will try to follow me out, as if he wants to be in human company.

For the past 2 days starigth he was good this way. But yesterday he was moody and didnt want to get onto the hanger.

Once he is out tho he willingly climbs from hand to hand, and even lets my kids pet him.
I've been reading around and what I've commonly found is that when you first get your chameleon that you should give it a week or two to become accustomed to their habitat. I'm wondering what everyone has to say about this. Is that too early? I just got a baby veiled yesterday.
lol put your hand in front of my male for him to walk onto and he will come over, place one foot on your hand, and bite your arm.
some chams are more comfortable than others, always let them, see you before you pick them up, approach from the front with 1 finger and approach slowly, put you finger just under their chin, and they should step on, at first you may have to put a little pressure. He will learn to get used to you if you handle him for a short period of time once a week. chameleons will learn to recognize their owners and they will get more comfortable around you.
I've been reading around and what I've commonly found is that when you first get your chameleon that you should give it a week or two to become accustomed to their habitat. I'm wondering what everyone has to say about this. Is that too early? I just got a baby veiled yesterday.

It's most recommended to not handle them and to disturb them as little as possible for a week to settle in. Even after that you have to be slow and careful and patient with her, going at her pace as much as possible. I so rarely handle my female veiled, because she doesn't like it......she will come to her door and eat from my hand, but has no interest in leaving the safety of her viv, so I don't make her.
i free range my chams...they where both skittish for about 3-4 months but would hand feed from me and take water..(i never actually picked my chams up, i let them choose) and one day my female ran to me, then a few months later the male was dooing the same..and everytime my friend sandy comes by for a visit, they run to the front of the tree to greet her..i will make a vid of that next time shes here..

but here are my friendly chams..i did nothing special to them,just was paitient with them, and gave them their space.. :D
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