Cham is having a new skin issue

Well, the exact worms name I was given was Foleyella Furcata. He does have about 3 visible worms in his skin, no telling whats in the gut. But ya thats what I was given, Panacur to be given 3 days in a row, then wait 4 days, then 3 again etc etc. I wish I could remove them myself but I have no experience in doing so.
Posted to your other thread...........

I posted a reply to your other thread.........After reading this one again I am even more interested in the source of your Panther. Are you sure it isn't a wild caught from Madegascar? You identified your cham as looking like the picture of one on a link that definitely had the Foleyella Furcata. That one had very visible worms under the skin. A captive bred cham from the USA would never have those. They are not contagious. They are not spread from one cham to another like roundworms are. A misquito has to bite the infected cham, suck up eggs that are in the cham's bloodstream, and then go bite another cham and inject the eggs into the second cham's bloodstream. That just does not happen here. Not even in Florida where they have lots of mosquitoes. Lots of people are breeding chams, including wild caught chams, outside in Florida. I've never heard any of them end up with these nematodes in their captive bred population. They stay in the original wild caught chameleon host and die when the host dies.

Panacur does not kill Foleyella Furcata nematodes. Won't do anything to them unless they are in the gut. Ivermectin is the only thing that kills them in the bloodstream and overall body. I would contact the person you got this cham from and see what they have to say about this situation. Something is not right............
Ya seems crazy to me too, its frustrating not knowing if i did something wrong or if there are somehow infected skeeters flying around here. I do leave them outside on the weekends in the sun.
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