cham is jelous?


New Member
alright, so yea, i hav a beardi and a cham. of coarse the beardie's r known to be very playful, and joyful, ya-di-ya-di-ya-da, and chams r known to be calm, gentil,slow and also to not like being hadeled that much, of coarse they are right!! before i got my beardie it was me and my girl, niji. she loved being handeled she was an odd little girl, loved being handeled, loves being out in the sunshine and running in the grass trying to get to a tree, or even go in the pond! yes, i got my beardi in fall, so i stopped taking niji outside and romeo, my beardi never went outside, and get the chance to tan in the nice canada sun, and play "u cant get meee" in the grass. ever since i noticed that niji did not like being handeled by me anymore (i no i sound crazy,but i swear). i thought it might be because she hasnt been outside in seeminly forever (remember here p north winter is not only harsh, but its LONG). and i always play with my beardie, he loves it! of coarse its normal for niji not to like it that much anymore, shes becoming a big girl, and im the protective mommy who doesnt want to let go!, i mean she eats,sleeps and climbs around in her tree, i still "pet" her (under the chin, i dont know why she loves it there so much). while romeo is active, takes his bath, plays around, tanssss, eats various veggies and fruits and worms etc. maybe its cuz she wants her spot bak she HATES romeo, she hisses and puffs wen i tke himo out of the cage, and makes a weird noice occasionally to get my attention and wen i go to pet her she's fine again....could she think she's loosing her spot?
yes, their cages are in the same room, but wide apart. my cham cage (and ficus) is on the other end of my room, while my beardie is on the OTHER side and she doesnt seem to mid at all that he is in the same room
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