Cham letting out a little sigh noise

I'm glad that Nicodemayo brought up this topic!!

Yes, my adult male Veil usually makes this sigh sound when he's being taken out of his cage or when he sees that I'm taking him back to his cage!!

I know that he isn't stressed when he makes these sighs because he continues to display his calm colors whenever he makes those sounds.

It's kind of cute to hear those sounds!! Just nice to know that other
owners hear their Chameleons also make that sound, too!

Thats good to know that its normal. He hasn't done it in a while actually but I was pretty worried when I heard it. He seems to be doing better now and I bought him some wax worms as a treat.
Barking Sound

At least one of my panthers has been overheard to make what I call a barking sound. It reminds me of the sound a fox in the wild makes when it is calling a mate. Of course, I don't know what the purpose of the sound represents--I have only heard it when I was outside but near the door to their room. Could it be a mating call? That's my current theory.

Thanks for the thread.


PS: Apoligy for the second post--I decided to subscribe to this thread to see what you all think.
For the record, pardalis and calyptratus do not make audible noises or calls. Along with some of the Rhampholeon and Rieppeleon, they do make subsonic calls which you can hear in the link supplied by Kent earlier in this thread. This sound is something you can feel on your hand if you are holding the animal but can barely hear if you hold said animal to your ear.

The goetzei do make a fairly loud audible squeak and this has been documented in several publications. I don't believe there are any other species that make that squeaking sound.

Loud barks, calls, screams etc. do not happen. Chameleons have sacrificed that sense (sound) in lieu of others (eyesight) for their survival.

I can vouch for the vibrations of the Veild; I herd and felt them one time each, it was very cool! You can *barely* hear it and my head was rather close to him and the vibration felt like a cell going off in your hand…
Why do they usually make that noise/vibration? Being upset? I have felt mine do that a few times...never really knew what it was for sure, now I do.
i hear alot of people have this problem from what i know your humidity is to low my panther does it and my vailed but just keep up their humidity and they should be fine i started misting 2 more times a day and herd it get better
Tilly gives a little annoyed sigh sometimes when I take her out of her viv. It's not a hiss. She does not puff up or anything but I take it to be an indignant 'Humph how inconciderate to move me' kind of sigh.:D
My male Jackson, upon seeing his female sister, gave a command from my hand at her, on her branch below us, and she cowed down and didn't move a muscle. He was overpowering her verbally. A definite communication.
i hear alot of people have this problem from what i know your humidity is to low my panther does it and my vailed but just keep up their humidity and they should be fine i started misting 2 more times a day and herd it get better

i considered this but my chameleons are in a walk in closet i never use. It measures roughly 8x8ft and i have a cool mist humidifier and a fan in there for circulation and the humidity RARELY drops below 65%.
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