Cham movements


Do Chams like to hang , mine seems to get into strange positions?

I’ve helped him a few times, but as I’m new to Chameleons I don’t know if this is normal behaviour.


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They are tiny acrobats, totally normal. I wouldn’t rescue unless he is in danger of falling a long distance or landing on a hard surface.

Does he seem uncoordinated or clumsy at all, specifically when he gets into the strange position?
I think he is getting into these jams because there aren’t very many horizontal or vertical branches in that section for him to choose from. Looks like he is trying to span a gap a bit too wide for him.
uhhhh, mine does that for a second or two but how long have you had him, i think that its pretty normal behavior
Thanks for your replies, he doesn’t stay like it for too long and is able to help himself. More vines have been ordered , but I’m glad to hear this is normal.
Also a good thing to note, I usually see my Cham do this when he's reaching to get some free ranged food. So either way, hes stretching to get something or somewhere
He's reaching for the plants!! Perfectly ok, although a stick or pathway would make his day!! Lol.. this morning I woke mine up, he was sleeping that way, I could post a picture here for you, if you would like, but I think that would be considered rude beiing this is your thread
He's reaching for the plants!! Perfectly ok, although a stick or pathway would make his day!! Lol.. this morning I woke mine up, he was sleeping that way, I could post a picture here for you, if you would like, but I think that would be considered rude beiing this is your thread

Would love to seethe photo
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