Cham not eating!!

so like do i know shes ready to lay? when do i put her in? how long for? like im just kind of confused lol. like are we talking about leaving her in a 5 gallon bucket with substrate and maybe clamp the heat lamp and the mister on and let that be permanent for a couple days?
Just increase the duration of the spraying and change it to every three hours or so.. Make it anywhere from 1:30 - 2:00
heres the most recent and best pic i could find....when she was eating :[


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i have the sprayer from the habba mister (forgive me for not getting a mistking XD) rigged to the top to spray down the leaves and drain into the hibiscus (two birds with one stone) and like i said i have it set for to go off for 30 seconds every hour.

Thats more than fine, dont matter what you use so long as the lizard stays hydrated. Just be sure it does dry out, and keep an eye on the urates.
I prefer a manual dripper myself, but thats just me. Dont have your mister thingy spraying at night though. Timers are cheap and handy.
she looks fine to me in that pic anyway. cant really see the limbs tail body but no matter, casque looks ok.
I dont have a female so I leave that side (gravid laying etc) to others. :)
ten gallon tak with 50 lbs of damp play sand (washed) and stick it in her cage she will lay......mine did a couple days after putting that in and privacy is KEY i put a towl over the front of the you have a male????if so show him to her if she puffs up and gapes she very well may be pregnate
do not have a male. wish i did so i dont have to worry about this egg laying thing. seriously doubt a 10 gallon tank will fit inside with 50 lbs of play sand in it with my dimensions lol. so i have to figure out an alternative. i have a 20 gal glass tank (horizontal) that i could use. so i might have to get that set up or something ahead of time and use it for a "hospital" tank for her egg laying. just have to figure out how i can keep her in there for a couple days and her not be miserable just sitting in a cage full of sand and no where to climb. :/
Yes exactly! Except the mister may cause the dirt to get too wet. Also you need a GOOD thermometer to make sure it isn't too hot so you don't fry her.

EDIT: Hence the bucket :) Throw a vine and a few fake leaves in there and bam!
well should i just keep her in there with just the dirt and nothing else for a couple days? im worried she would get depressed :[ or stressed...
haha i know this is akward but your smartness and attractiveness with cams is hot!! haha. thanks for your help miss pssh XDDD yeah ill start getting on that tomorow, ill just have to figure out how to get a heatin lamp in there with her and keep her inside. i guess i can clamp the light about a foot from the top of the 5 gal bucket so i dont boil her in there lol
Uhh, thanks. Sure, and it's Kara.

Good thinking

And if you're over the age of 17 you probably shouldn't think like that about me.
id use a ten gal bucket since a ten gal tank wont fit in your demensions make sure she is 100% ready to lay before you put her in the bucket.....keep one branch so she can sit on angle the light so you can see her shadow through the bucket so you wont ever spook her laying ummmmm ummmm heat yeah if your cham was in the wild do you think her normal heat would be of that temp of the forrest wont the forrest floor would be cooler so i would drop your temp but not too the seventies....all the substrate has to be damp enough to make a tunnel put about 8-12 inches of substrate and angle it going up a bit like a ramp or like the side of a wave (kinda hard to explain) and dig a two inch deep cave thing to help start the process after she lays and COVERS the hole carefully take her out use warm ater and rince her off...... she will prob wanna eat too
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The set up should be fine as long as you check up on her every couple hours to see if she's layed.
no dont check up you could spook her and she may become stressed out and become eggbound and die..... GIVE HER PRIVACY!!!!! THATS SOOOOOO KEY
do not have a male. wish i did so i dont have to worry about this egg laying thing.

Tom, a female may produce unfertilised eggs with or without a male. Care of the female at such time remains the same either way. :)
If you didn't carefully check you'd never know if she was done. I don't mean stare her down, but a quick subtle peek once or twice a day (if she even takes that long.)
my female took from for in the afternoon till two in the morning to complete the process the light trick works like i mentioned it really does i wouldnt be peeking you dont wanna risk her becoming eggbound and dying thats just my opinion i went through this process three weeks ago its sucks and is stressful but i learned so much from it and im still learning a bit on other things............ ummmmmm keep temps somewhat low, moist sand, 8-12 inches, and the shadow trick, it works
yeah i know about unfertile eggs lol. someone asked me if i had a male too to see if she would puff up around him. and lets hope that she will lay tomorow. i think i know what your describing ryan. are you meaning loosely pack the sand at a ramp angle inside of the bucket and digging a tunnel to help get started right? i heard they get dehydrated from it too...any suggestions on keepin that stabilized? i just want her to eat :[ its worrying me lol
But if he's not there when she starts and she finishes before he gets back he could leave her there for days without realizing she was done. Also, if she digs test holes and takes more than a day to make a final hole and you see her not in a hole and on the vine, spray her.
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