Cham not eating!!

well im not gone that long everyday lol. the light tric he mentioned seems like a good idea. then i can tell if she is in the hole or not. but your advice is valuable as well. i just hope she is indeed ready to lay eggs. how long would you recomend me keep her in there before taking her out if she is in fact not ready?
Well, before you put her in she has to show signs (digging in laying box in cage) which means she is, so leave her there as long as she needs.
when my cage wasnt as big i took them out and did the bucket thing and i left them in there two days and if no lay i would take her out.....pack the sand at the ramp you want all of it to be pushed and packed down hope everything works female didnt eat for two weeks before laying and i was scared too but youll be fine thats just how it works
well i do think it is time for her to lay. this morning i woke up to the sound of her clawing at the hibiscus container and shes in there right now digging around. so i took a pillow case and put it in front of the cage so no one can see her. should i just see if she will try and lay in the hibiscus container?
yeah let her stay in the hibiscus and if no lay tonight before lights go off then in the morning take her out and put her in the bucket all day tomorrow
She'll ruin your plant... And you have you have to dig up her eggs so you'd need a new plant. I think you were trying to avoid that?
haha "bad girl!! back in your bucket!!" jk. no i ended up taking her out and puttin her in the bucket anyways. ill let her do her thing overnight. kinda worried about her though i want to be able to check on her but i know i cant. shes def about to lay though.
Good luck. You can check, just be careful. Some members are even ableto get short videos of their girls laying.
Tomtom 3 days and no food is not a big deal as long as she gets h2o. Sometimes, they get bored of food. Also, My female panther skipped eating for 12 days before laying eggs. Also, she laid eggs 50 days after copulation. Everyone says 30 or rush to a vet. I didn't and I am glad because I would have been ripped off. I do not move my females to other nest sites, because I do not want to add stress. However, many do w/o issue. I prefer to leave the bin in the enclosure and give them total privacy. If she is gravid you can possibly feel a string of pearls in her belly. I would wait on moving her to the nest site until you see her pacing the bottom and digging, then move her. It takes a lot out of the poor girls. A member here kinyonga is very knowledgeable on females and she can prevent females from ever laying an infertile clutch just by reducing temps. And food. Just fyi for future, I know you said "to bad you don't have a male", but you can avoid egg cycling. Good luck with your cham. Look on the bright side and think how much of an improvement you have made for her compared to her previos owner. Take care!
aww thanks man!! thats a really good compliment. she layed her eggs last night!!! theyre so cute hahaha. and right when i put her back in her cage i threw some crickets in there and she ate all of them :DDD haha you have no idea how excited i am that i got her through this. now i know what she looks like when shes not about to lay too (a lot skinnier hahaha). wow this is awsome :D im proud i got her through this. i just feel bad throwing away her eggs after she worked really hard to lay them :[
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