Cham Not The Colorfull???


New Member
My Chameleon is about 6 to 7 months old at the most. And he still isn't very vibrant in his colors. He's a Veiled Chameleon and he has pretty much everything he needs, and more. I can see some of his traditional Veiled patterns but most of the time it is just light green with dark green stripes and dark green dots, and thats at his prime. The rest of the time hes usually just green. And light green wen he sleeps. Should I just give him more time?
See that picture Brad has as his avatar? I'd consider that rare! ;)

At least your's is green. Mine is usually brown colors, which leads most to believe he's stressed, but my husbandry has been reviewed and approved by everyone here as well as my local herp vet.

Mine only turns green when I'm gone for several hours, or when he comes out of his cage.
My avatar picture is one of Kitty pretty pissed off.
I posted pics of him today that show how he normally looks when he's relaxed and happy.

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