Why does my chameleon have these stripes?

I'll try to adjust the enclosure size when I have more space! It is awesome to see her take all of the space already. Very curious!
The branch for the UVB is probably 5-6'' away from the lights and the basking is adjusted to 8'' and probably changed lower as she grows. I'll also keep the temps in mind as well. About the humity I was concerned it wasn't correct because it does seem low, I'm using one from petsmart--do you have any tools you'll recommed for measuring it? Because the one I'm using I'm not sure if it's water proof.
I've heard the Jungle Dawn is good! I'll consider this when I get paid LOL!
About the grip that's good to know, I'll def give her a break from the d3. This has been a concern for a while for me.

Thank you again, this is my first time with a chameleon especially when I was throw into the hobby. Now, I'm in love with her. :)! You've been amazing and thank you for your time.
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