Cham outside in AZ??

Yeah Buckeye is kinda far out there haha. Forever Endeavor is also from AZ, we actually met up with him when we first got our first cham. He was a LOT of help!! It's nice to have some people from the forums close to home:) ASU is not THAT far:p Ohhhhh a show in PHX, huh? Ryan and I will definitely have to check that out!!! So there!!
:) Well I added a couple of things to the Cham enclosure. My six yr old has named it Color. He/She seems to be moving around more and has eaten more crickets, so that makes me feel better. When I misted it, it really went after any and all water droplets it couldl find. So all seems to be good. Thanks again for the info. :D

So how did i miss this thread!? :D Any pics of your baby veiled danno? Us AZ people should definitely get together sometime..If not meet up at the next show that comes through town... Anyone else besides Sang and i attend?
On the topic of chams outside in AZ.. sep-feb.. give or take,.. is usually perfect weather to have your animals out side.. i take mine out on days when i am home from 10am-2pm..I mist frequently and usually feed while their out as well..They benefit so much from the natural UV rays, if you don't "sun" your chameleons that often then you will see a HUGE change in doing so..i would avoid the summers completely(people included:)
you guys are lucky to have neighbors i live in wilmington de is anyone on this forum from there no!!!!!!!!!!! im all alone haha goodluck with that little fry
if im lucky enough to be home, i have my cages set up right in front of the window.

so when i can monitor things , i get the early morning sun for about 2 hours every day. Slide open the window and the rays just come beaming in, he loves it.
Az Fair grounds..i had a blast very few chams but cool none the less..the only true "exclusive" chameleon breeder there was Amazing blue reptiles who had a great set up and some amazing animals..I ended up getting a baby nosy be male from them..
im trying to remember which one was amazing blue, what side were they on. i walked through that place for a few hours, checking out every stand. i can't remember which one they had.
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