Cham rescue questions


New Member
I am about to rescue a Jackson's from petsmart, any advice on working with petsmart to get a reasonable price. The Cham is in really bad shape with peeling skin( not shed) uv burns etc.
I am about to rescue a Jackson's from petsmart, any advice on working with petsmart to get a reasonable price. The Cham is in really bad shape with peeling skin( not shed) uv burns etc.

The manager is allowed to discount it 50% at his/her option. They also work with a vet. If the vet says it is in sad shape maybe they will just give it to you. I have never tried that with petsmart. Are you really sure you want to do this? Do you have the cham knowledge to bring the rescue back to health? i am not trying to be mean, just hate to see your heart broke.

I have made attempts in the past to acquire ill Chams from Pet Smart as well as private shops with little luck. Pet Smart told me they cannot "rescue" out animals to the public, but rather allow their employee to take the animal home. I am not sure if this was only my local Pet Smart or if this is cooperate policy? I would go directly to the reptile manager and politely point out all the issues the poor guy/girl is having (dehydrated, poor lighting, heat, humidity..) We can all hope with having the deteriorating condition of the Cham pointed out that they will be willing to come to an agreement you can both deal with! The reality is with many shops they have invested $ and are looking for that profit, regardless of animal health :mad:

I may even express enough concern with the cams heath that if they do not agree to reduce the price you could go to corporate and file a formal complaint, not that it would do anything to save the poor Cham in need of help now :(

Good luck and let us know what you work out!!
I worked at Petco as the companion animal manager for two years, often times what happens is the company as a whole purchases a group of animals such as the jacksons that are showing up in everyones petsmarts. When the company does a large purchase like this they pay next to nothing for the animals and one is sent to every store. The margin on animals in stores like this is huge the profit they make on each animal that they sell is what keeps them selling reptiles. I would just be polite about it ask to speak to the specialist and let them know that you have experience and that there is obviously something wrong with the animal. If the person is in it for the right reason they will hopefully work something out. I know in any instance where we got a "Cosmetically Imperfect" animal it was at our choice as to what we charged, if we charged and often times it was just a donation of your choice.
Just know its not an easy thing and requires a lot of care and devotion and doesn't always work out for the best
Yes, should also of mentioned that I would have an appointment at a good reptile vet before taking him on chances are he is wild caught with the additional problems of internal parasites, dehydration, the burns you referred to, Theres always a lot to consider when taking in rescues.
Thanks, it has been 2 days since I last seen him and I don't know what the condition is like now, I remember he had a water bowl, thus no way of drinking so he is probably a little dehydrated, I hope I am able to save him.
Update, the petsmart wouldn't give us a discount, and the price went back up to $130 so maybe one of the employee's will take it home.
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