Cham shed


New Member
Ok well today herman went through his first shed (in my care).

Most of it is off theres just a couple of bits left.

The main reason for this thread though is - is it normal for chams to go nuts during this time xD

Well, its not exactly nuts, but its not his usual behaviour.

First he moved to the closest leaf to the heat light and opened his mouth...the temp was about 83 but I turned it down anyway (i'm using a dimmerstat with my bulb) and he closed his mouth. then he decided to start rubbing his eye (theres a bit of shed just under it) against the mesh at the top before deciding to climb on it and hide where he only used to hide when I sprayed his cage for the first few days I had him. I've only just got back from college so god knows what he's been like all day.

So yeah, is this normal?


Emma x
Well they are a little bit stranger then normally when shading, and rubbing is normal, because they want to get the dead-skin away, because their predators can spot him easy.

Saw that on TV.:cool:
Shedding may decrease their appetite. They will be more testy. They may pace their enclosure and will generally trundle through their branches and plants rubbing patches of shed off. The change in behavior will generally begin before we keepers can even see the shedding. We have had chams become dark for several days before a shed, while others become light for several days before a shed. If there is an abrupt change in appetite, attitude, or behavior, one of the first things I look for is hazy skin suggesting an imminent shed.
Oh ok then =] thats good =]

Am also really happy cause the bit of shed between his eyes thats been there since before I got him has finally gone =]

I thought he might be going into a shed, his skin started to look a bit....wrinkly lol

Well, as long as I know this behaviour is normal tis all good =] Here he is now, starting to show a few more markings =]


Emma x
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