cham won't open eyes



I have done everything I can think of, but for 2 weeks, my veiled won't open her eyes. I have resorted to taking her out, misting her till she starts lapping up water and throwing in mealworms/superworms/anything I can hold long enough to get it in there. Her temps are 88 basking and 72-75 ambient. I have had her to the vet and they say nothing. I am worried, I got her from a guy that didn't do anything for her. My other 2 females and 1 male are doing awesome. I just built a nice new condo for them. I want her to survive, but not if she is in pain and wont come out of it.
Have you tried flushing her eyes? If not, drop water on her eyes to make sure they are not dried out. Give it a few minutes and see how your cham reacts. If she starts bulging or rolling her eyes, continue flushing them. You may find that there is a film on her eyes that you can clean gently with your fingertip or a cotton swab. In the past, I've had similar problems, although not for such a long period of time. In my case, it was a combination of lighting problems and hydration. After a few eye cleanings and a couple enclosure changes she was fine.

Good luck.
Does she have a place to dig to lay eggs in the cage now?
There are many reasons for a chameleon not opening her eyes...sick, using a light that causes eye problems, becoming eggbound, etc.

You need to get her to a vet now iMHO.
Your chameleon looked unwell in the picture you posted concerning the old is she? Has she had a place in her cage to dig to show you if she needs to lay eggs?

IMHO if you don't get her some help now, she won't be here much longer. Sorry for being so harsh.
I have to agree that you need to see another vet fast.
there might be only one in your area, but I'm sure there is another one some distance away.

you also stated that you have both a reptiglow 5.0 and a regular flourescent bulb...yet somehow the basking temps are 88F when the room temps are 72-75F. how is this possable?
what are you using for a basking bulb?

there is a good chance that the old owner didn't use proper lighting and is effecting the eyes at this time.
it could also be an imbalance of vit A to D3 and calcium ratios.
if I'm not mistaken, a good blood test should clear up just what is wrong so you can act acordingly.

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