Chamaeleo melleri in Orlando?

>.> um i am....*Cough* but uh..yah i had to emerency move to AZ ..cause um *COUGH hurricanes and stuff.....


...yeah...that sounds good.
I have a really funny story that i was about to post. I was putting my lil brother on an airplane today and while he was saying good bye to his favorite chameleon Lou the meller, that goofy chameleon ran away! He climbed onto the next highest thing and that was the wing of the plane :X he must of fell off there in florida on his trip :cool:
I have a really funny story that i was about to post. I was putting my lil brother on an airplane today and while he was saying good bye to his favorite chameleon Lou the meller, that goofy chameleon ran away! He climbed onto the next highest thing and that was the wing of the plane :X he must of fell off there in florida on his trip :cool:
You serious?
More than 1 adult now. Perhaps the more appropriate question, who is breeding or importing them in Orlando? :)
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