chamaeleo namaquensis

ciafardo 4

New Member
Has anyone one kept this species if so pics? Just interested how one would keep these being they are mostly terrestrial and desert habitat with zero rainfall and i have seen the you tube video of the adult eating the juvi
Nat Geo had a one hour show I think back in 2004. "Dragons of Namib", about namaqua chameleons in Namib desert. I watched it like 3 times. Wish I had a copy.

I wouldn't touch them unless I lived in the desert myself!

I heard people say (which I don't know if it's true or 100% B.S.) that someone(Ron Tremper, I think) got some in and couldn't deal with them them. They were ravenous - eating insane amounts of food, and drinking water like crazy if offered to them, they also woldnt' sit still - took lots of space. Which is understandable.

Anyone heard the same story? Is it true?

I've also looked into these... you'd need a HUGE amount of space.. ways to create cloud cover, morning fog.. hot and cold temps..
I don't know Syn, I bet you could keep this guy in your back yard like people keep torts. How hot was it there today? :p
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