Yeah i hope she will lay her eggs soon, then you should incubate the eggs at room temperature (18-20°C). The guy i obtained these youngsters from did it that way and had an outcome of 95% and he lost 1 or 2 juveniles the first weeks, after that he hasn't lost any (they are now 5months approximately). They hatched after 9 months of incubation.
Fantastic photos, Joery-- these and the sternfeldi you've posted. What are you shooting with?
cristatus remind me so much of deremensis in general morphology-- shorter tails, high dorsal crests, minus the striking color dimorphism. It's great to see a healthy pair.
Thanks Fabian! I have 1.4 (sub-adult captive bred animals), keeping them in a large tree, free range. I take my pictures with a Nikon D60 with normal kit-lens (18-55 mm and 55-200mm).