Chameleon Enthusiast
I was thinking/remembering when you posted about hooting.@Andrew1283 said…”Also warning…they can do this cell phone esque vibration thingy when you hold them. It’s supposed to be a warning and if you don’t know to expect it, you may think it’s an electric shock. Pretty sure it’s meant to send a signal along the branch to rivals so as to say, hey pal…feel that vibration….yeah it’s pretty strong and guess what, I’m big and healthy enough to do that and I can ruin your day if you come closer. ”…
And @Gloriawood said…”Spaghetti has done the vibration thing a few times. It’s so weird!”…
One of the first people to study these vibrations was KENNETH E. BARNETT…(he also studied mating males “massaging” females in their sides)..
You might be interested in reading these sites..
“veiled chameleons produced vibrations under dominance and mating behavioral contexts.”…
One more…