Chameleon Cage

yea, i wouldnt buy that kit. it does come with a compact bulb. you need the Reptisun 5.0 tube. that compact is a huge no no. Like dodolah said, that cage will need to be upgraded to an adult cage. 24x24x48 hope that helps sells everything you need. its all the correct stuff no with no problems
they may be a bit more exspensive. you may want to include a digital light timer.
I've never seen one that I thought was truly complete.
I guess that's why they call them "starter" kits.
The Kammer's have a set-up available at

Maybe you guys can help but i cant decide between a veiled or panther, which one is easier to keep.
thanks i was kinda leaning towards the veiled anyways. If anybody has an adult male for sale in canada please contact me.
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