Chameleon cantina drinking fountain

i was researching misting systems and I saw a product called chameleon cantina drinking fountain. I wanted to know what it is and it is worth buying.
a few people who use it say they never see the cham drinking from it and have to constantly clean it. i havent tried it myself, my cham does well with hand misting
Oh man, now I want it. I never see my little one drink like that. I have to sneak up on her to get a quick glimpse. A tiny lick if I'm lucky. :p
I bought one for my chameleon about a month ago. He never used it, he would would crawl down to check it out every now and then but would never drink. I ended up just removing it from his cage. He seems to prefer drinking after I mist his cage.
IMO its not necessary if you have a dripper or mist the cage often.
heh my cham will not drink if anyone is in the room. i have never seen him drink, but i know he must be because i have had him since march and he is growing and growing. i guess this might be worth a try if you arent home to hand mist. Won't know unless you try it. Maybe you can find someone on here that will sell you one cheaper(someone who tried it who didnt stick with it maybe?)
It looks like an improvement on rock waterfalls, but still has the same problems with bacteria growth, so you would need to clean it and change the water every day. Plus you'd still need the enclosure to be misted a couple of times a day, it's the most effective way to get the humidity where it needs to be.
Check out the similar threads at the bottom of this page. Lots of reviews.
-My opinion of the cantinait is terrible. Breeding ground for bacteria, loud, nothing special. I know some have been very happy with it and have seen their chams using it regularly. A feel a dripper and misting system does a much better job.
Guys/Gals it says "Replaceable Carbon Pads filter and purify the water".

Is it still a bacteria problem? The water keeps moving and it's filtered. I thought that's how you avoid bacteria problems. Am I wrong?
I can see it working, as long as you pay rigorous attention to it. Make sure nothing dead lands in it and the water is cycling through. I would have to clean it at least one every few days to be comfortable with it. I bought it and my Chameleon could care less about it, so I just returned it. I hear some chameleons do take to it. Only one way to find out :)
I thought about giving this a try, but my cham is such a shy drinker I doubt she'd ever use it so I skipped even trying.
I got a Cantina when I got my new Cham a week and a half ago. I have it set up in his free range primarily as a "Just in Case" he decides he's really thirsty and he desperately wants a drink. It's not his primary source of water as he also has a dripper and he gets misted. However, I have not seen him drink from it and he's shown no interest in it at all. But I'm going to leave it there . I think it kinda looks pretty.

I do clean it thoroughly and rinse out the filter every few days. The carbon filter aides in removing bacteria and keeping the water fresh and clean.
The system works on the same principle as the filter in my 100 gal fish tank with a 15" Oscar that I've had for 8 years. But, I do frequent water changes and change out the filter very often in my fish tank.

So, I think if your Cham drinks out of the cantina that's great. But it must be cleaned and the filter should be changed often to maintain cleanliness. Just like anything, if this water source is neglected it can lead to bacteria buildup etc.
It's all part of being a responsible Cham owner and if you want to take the trouble of cleaning it.


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Guys/Gals it says "Replaceable Carbon Pads filter and purify the water".

Is it still a bacteria problem? The water keeps moving and it's filtered. I thought that's how you avoid bacteria problems. Am I wrong?
I also do saltwater aquariums so I could actually either cycle it through a filter OR actually turn it into a filter by putting some filter floss and carbon/crystals in it.
I got a Cantina when I got my new Cham a week and a half ago. I have it set up in his free range primarily as a "Just in Case" he decides he's really thirsty and he desperately wants a drink. It's not his primary source of water as he also has a dripper and he gets misted. However, I have not seen him drink from it and he's shown no interest in it at all. But I'm going to leave it there . I think it kinda looks pretty.

I do clean it thoroughly and rinse out the filter every few days. The carbon filter aides in removing bacteria and keeping the water fresh and clean.
The system works on the same principle as the filter in my 100 gal fish tank with a 15" Oscar that I've had for 8 years. But, I do frequent water changes and change out the filter very often in my fish tank.

So, I think if your Cham drinks out of the cantina that's great. But it must be cleaned and the filter should be changed often to maintain cleanliness. Just like anything, if this water source is neglected it can lead to bacteria buildup etc.
It's all part of being a responsible Cham owner and if you want to take the trouble of cleaning it.


I have one in with my Parson. It is not his only source of water and never will be. I clean about once a week and I haven't noticed much in the way of that slimy growth on the tubing so not much is growing in there. The animal is not able to defecate in it, food items can't get in it, and that's due to how I have it set up.

AS Jaxy said, being responsible is key. When you cut corners with a chameleon it gets even you usually in the form of a vet bill or worse.
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