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So I’ve been having a problem with my juvenile veiled chameleon the past few days. To start from the beginning. She’s currently in a mesh enclosure 24x24x48. Humidity roams between 60-80%. Temps under the basking like is at about 85 but I make sure she can’t get closer than 6inches from the light. I tend to mist her 2 times a day, as well as I have an automatic mister. I got her from Petco about 6 weeks ago because she was in an enclosure with 2 other Chameleons about 2 times her size and I felt horrible. I brought her home and she seemed to be doing fine, but only had an appetite for crickets. I was dusting the crickets with repti-calcium as well as gutloading them. About a week ago she started to be a little off. She would just hide in her plants for most of the day, but I thought it was just because they’re shy. A few days ago I began to notice that her left eye was starting to close, she continued to eat so I didn’t think much of it. 2 days ago her left eye was no longer open and she was sluggish. When ever I put my hand in her enclosure, she would his and threaten to bite me. That day she ate 1 cricket. I called my vet and they said they’re not available for the next week. So I carried on, thinking that it was vitamin A deficiency. The next morning I went to multiple pet stores, got dubias as well as additional multivitamins to coat the dubias and crickets. When I got home both of her eyes were closed, with her right eye being partially closed, not as bad as the left. She still noticed I was there, but was not reacting to me putting my hand in the enclosure, to the extent that I could touch her and she wouldn’t move. I put some crickets in one of her hanging bowls, and dubias in another in hopes she would eat it. She didn’t react to any, so just decided to turn off her light and call it a night for now since it’s getting a little late. I’m not sure what I should do at this point, not Vets around my area handle exotic animals, and my vet I usually go to won’t be available for a few days. Is there anything that I can do to help my girl out, at least to help her toughen out until the vet is available. She doesn’t have any lesions, no burn marks, no bubbles or foam around her mouth. She looks healthy, just her eyes are closed. Unfortunately I have put her to sleep, so I won’t be able to get a picture of her right now, but if needed I’ll get some when I get home from work tomorrow. Also I work overnight, 3am to 12pm. I typically turn her light on at 2am and turn it off at 5pm. I’ve been doing that with my milk snake as well as my turtles for a while and they’re both thriving, so I didn’t think that would have any negative affects on my chameleon. Is it a possibility that my irregular sleep schedule is negatively affecting her? Thank you in advance to anyone that responds