Chameleon Colors


New Member
Hi guys!
I just am a bit curious/worried about my Vieled Cham name Camo!
Here's the problem:

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Vieled Male, have had him for about a month
Handling - Two times so far, one for a thorough cleaning and another for his first time in.
Feeding - Mostly crickets and an occasional pheonix worm. 5-6 daily Dusting:Herpvite once weekly Calcium with D3 once every two weeks Calcium no d3 daily.Fluker's Calcium, Apples, Potatoes, grapes
Watering - Dripper Mist 3 times daily about 2-3 minutes Yes
Fecal Description - White part is white lol.
History - Petco:( Didn't know it was bad until I had him.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18*18*36 Screen
Lighting - UVB from Petco
Temperature - Night: Never lower than 60 Day: 90 basking 70-80s in mid
Humidity - 60-70 humidity
Plants - Live Ficus
Placement - About 1 foot off ground near window never open and covered by curtains.
Location - Bronx, New York

Current Problem - Dark during the day. However he is bright at night which is normal. He is usually basking all day except for hunting periods.
Hi guys!
I just am a bit curious/worried about my Vieled Cham name Camo!
Here's the problem:

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Vieled Male, have had him for about a month
Handling - Two times so far, one for a thorough cleaning and another for his first time in.
Feeding - Mostly crickets and an occasional pheonix worm. 5-6 daily Dusting:Herpvite once weekly Calcium with D3 once every two weeks Calcium no d3 daily.Fluker's Calcium, Apples, Potatoes, grapes
Watering - Dripper Mist 3 times daily about 2-3 minutes Yes
Fecal Description - White part is white lol.
History - Petco:( Didn't know it was bad until I had him.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18*18*36 Screen
Lighting - UVB from Petco
Temperature - Night: Never lower than 60 Day: 90 basking 70-80s in mid
Humidity - 60-70 humidity
Plants - Live Ficus
Placement - About 1 foot off ground near window never open and covered by curtains.
Location - Bronx, New York

Current Problem - Dark during the day. However he is bright at night which is normal. He is usually basking all day except for hunting periods.
Hi there, welcome to the forums. You will find many great resources here as well as good advice. Please post some pictures, I would love to see your new addition :)
If your cham is dark in the day, is this when he is basking? They turned dark when they are basking to soak up the good heat rays. You should visit Jannb's page, there are great resources there for new chameleon owners.
How old is Camo?
Can you clarify the Supplements? From what I have read it looks like you are dusting with Calcium once a week with Calcium with no D3 and Calcium with D3 every 2 weeks? The Calcium with D3 every 2 weeks is okay, but it is recommended to lightly dust with Calcium without D3 at every feed. Phoenix worms and Crickets are okay, but I would incorporate a little more variety.
Are you also gut loading the feeders? Gut loading is a vital piece for the feeders for your Cham when you feed them to him. You can also find that here in the forum.
Are you using an automatic mister? If so, you can set that for every 4 hours at 60 seconds which is where I was told to set it at from others on here.
Cage size seems good, but need to know the age of Camo.
What is your basking temp currently at?

Mostly when he is basking I hope it is only him basking!
I don't know how old he is :( Petco is irresponsible
Calcium w/ no D3: Daily
W/ D3: Once every two weeks
Herpvite: Weekly
Gut Loading: Fluker's Calcium food, Apples, Potatoes, grapes, occasional green peas
No not auto-mister but i mist 3 times daily and use dripper for humidity
Basking Temps- High 80s-low 90s
Thanks for the quick response!
Handsome little guy:) I was going to ask about eh vines and branches. If you could post more recent pictures with your set up so everyone could see what you have going on, it would be really helpful.

Yes - it is most likely due to him basking. Believe me, I asked the very same questions. I have only had Chevy since May 2014, and I purchased him from Pet smart which on here is bad words, LOL. He was found to have MBD which is a serious condition for Chams. The Gals and Guys on here helped me save my little guy and now he is all over the place. We actually bought him for my daughter, and once I found out through this forum that he was sick, I began nurturing him back to health with a vets help and everyone on here and I fell in love with him. Feel free to stop by my page and see him from day 1 to now. They are wonderful reptiles. I wouldn't change getting him for anything.

Enjoy your new addition and please post some recent pics showing your husbandry so that you can get some great feedback.
Setup pics

Here are the best ones I could get...
and him under the basking light:

These have been taken about a minute ago so they're as accurate as they get.
The black light is UVB, the clamped one is for basking and the little dripper is there too. That's a live ficus down there. Any advice is welcome and thanks for the attention!

Yes. Petco. Is. Very irresponsible
big. Apple. Is. Also. Thay. Sent me. One with. No teeth And a lump on there eye. So. Thay sent me. Out. A new one. So. I have. 3 male chamelons
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how are you measuring your temps?

your cage looks a bit sparse, esp at the top, so either A, hes cold, or B. hes scared.
Petco brand... Don't yell at me please! Lol

if I was yelling, id use caps.

and that stupid Velcro one?

if that's it, then that's a crappy one, and it wont read real temps.

try a good digital one and see what your temps are.

but im betting your temps are lower, and since hes so exposed at the top there, hes scared too.

by making these changes, you can see his pretty greens come out
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