Chameleon colors?


New Member

Idk how he is going to turn out color wise so I need a little help
Should he be this color at roughly around 3 or 4 months?
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Looks about normal for that age, some will reveal a little more color than others. Here was my ambi, Mufasa around that age, prob a few sheds older:

Each time he sheds you can expect, little by little, for more color to be revealed :D

Vincent from screameleons said this was the closest reference to the father they had It's not him but it looks extremely close to him I will keep pictures of him updated.:D

Vincent from screameleons said this was the closest reference to the father they had It's not him but it looks extremely close to him I will keep pictures of him updated.:D

WOW , now that is a stunner.. I love all the RED!!!! now I can't wait to see how this guy changes. Nice choice.. Enjoy
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