Chameleon Colors


Recently I purchased a little boy... Picante. His sire has vibrant reds, oranges, and blues according to FLChams ("Naval" breeder) where I got him from. When he arrived from Florida he was almost an eggplant purple-brown and skinny. When he settled he turned bright green, but in general, he is a dull grey-green with tiny orange points on his back and sides...
That being said, I wonder at what age will my two girls, and this little man start to show adult colors and are there any signposts along the way to determine the colors Picante and the little ladies will turn.
I honestly could care less if they all were the color of mud, I love them sooo much! But curiosity has me asking... What have you seen and experienced as your little Chame's grew up? What color patterns enhance as they mature...??

(Pictured below: Picante, two months)


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It's impossible to know at an early age like that. Sometimes with certain panther locales you can see a tiny bit of color coming through which MIGHT give you an idea. For veileds, it seems to be a toss up. Maybe some patterns will start to come out, but that's all I'd imagine you could go off of.
It's impossible to know at an early age like that. Sometimes with certain panther locales you can see a tiny bit of color coming through which MIGHT give you an idea. For veileds, it seems to be a toss up. Maybe some patterns will start to come out, but that's all I'd imagine you could go off of.
Thank you for your input... I was mostly wondering at about what age these babies start to show "adult" colors. My little ladies are about 3 months, Picante is just about two months.

(Below: Priscilla, dark greens. Theodore aka Lady Ted, green/yellow)


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The color brown, as seen in some of your photos, means restless. But younger chams especially veiled tend to take about 6-9 months in general for the bright colors to come in. Other than that he seems very happy and cute!
I have one beautiful 4 month old female veiled and she stays a nice vibrant green and often has multiple shades of green.
I can't remember how long it takes veileds to show more colors. I'd say 6-9 months if I had to guess. @Beman when did yours?
If I had to guess I think it depends on their genetics as well. Beman was 6 months before he started showing his bands and dots. Bane showed his bars and dots already at 4 months when I got him but the pics I got of him the month prior he already had his colors. Bentley is 4 months and no sign of bars yet... But his color display when he gets mad is very different from the other two.

Per really showing colors like firing up it took Beman a long time until this passed summer when he hit 2 years old. I am pretty sure it was a direct correlation in our relationship changing again. When he was young he never fired up. He was very easy going and friendly then.
I personally just think it depends on who you get him/her from and what bloodline their from. Some chams get them really young and other take some time.
If I had to guess I think it depends on their genetics as well. Beman was 6 months before he started showing his bands and dots. Bane showed his bars and dots already at 4 months when I got him but the pics I got of him the month prior he already had his colors. Bentley is 4 months and no sign of bars yet... But his color display when he gets mad is very different from the other two.

Per really showing colors like firing up it took Beman a long time until this passed summer when he hit 2 years old. I am pretty sure it was a direct correlation in our relationship changing again. When he was young he never fired up. He was very easy going and friendly then.
Great info!! Thanks everyone, just enjoying the adventure ?
For the ladies, it’s a bit different. At around 6 months they’ll become receptive for mating and their colors and patterns will really show. They won’t go back to plain green again...just show varying levels of brightness of their colors.
For the ladies, it’s a bit different. At around 6 months they’ll become receptive for mating and their colors and patterns will really show. They won’t go back to plain green again...just show varying levels of brightness of their colors.
I didn't know that! That is really cool and I can't wait for her to be so colorful!
Mickey has only been a bright green and a darker green. I take her out in our Screened-in porch and let her be outside when it isn't too hot or cold. She really enjoys when its humid or just after a rain.
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