chameleon dieing

I agree with above poster. I would attempt to get a cheaper, easier care reptile before a chameleon, and also post pictures of the location of your setup.

There are definitely precautions you can take to prevent another death.
I started keeping reptiles when I had a severe cuncusion year and a half ago. Because of this concusion I now have chronic migrains. I became depressed from the lack of activity not being able to do any thing either because I was in the hosbitle or having a migraine. I started at new school for my 2 year of eighth grade. I had to repeat it because of me missng so much school. Then gust 6 months ago when I started to feel better but then my mom was diagnosed with a rare type of brain tumor. Reptiles were the only thing that gave me pleasure. I started out with 3 anoles that my friend won at a fair I had those for about 4 months but when I got them they had MBD so they died as result of that then I had a pacman frog from pet smart that I rescued from that horrible place but sadly it died of upper respitory infection and I could not save him because he was to far gone. Lastly I got into chameleons veils to be specific and I accumulated them from a local reputibe breeder and it was love at first sight. I am planing on figuring out some security for my crested geckos that i am going to get as well as my next Cham's.

PS I am 14 almost 15 and I have always taken care of my pets. This was gust a unfortunate event that took place.

I am a man of faith and I now that God does every thing for a reason.
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We certainly don't want you to feel chastised, but the dog has proven itself to be a risk. So there are definitely precautions that need to be taken going into the future. Things like being very conscious of where the dog is at all times, closing the reptiles into a bedroom with a door, keeping that door closed all the time, and setting the reptiles up on a table tall enough where the dog can't reach them, etc.

I'm on my phone or I would link you to the how-to on photos. I'm sure someone else will help. But we're here to help with suggestions on helping you keep reptiles in a way that is safe and appropriate with your situation.
I love dogs an all but this one needs a cage. Whenever I take my pets out of their habitat the dog goes in the cage but I lure her in there with treats and make it a positive experience. If it is a positive experience for the dog to go in the cage and it saves the chameleon its a win-win situation.
I feel that sharing the story of your life was simply to make us pity you, and to lessen our harsh comments towards you.

I am going to be straightforward here.

It is not that hard to keep a dog away from the chameleon. You knew the dog did this before, and if you cared just a little bit more, you probably could have prevented the death of your poor reptile. Keeping the dog AWAY from the room you hold your reptiles in is a must.
I agree with saint jimmy in every way. We aren't trying sound harsh here but don't get into chameleons just quite yet. A year and a half isn't that long of an experience in reptiles especially when getting into chameleons. I think your best bet would to just stick with the crested geckos for now. The way you seemed to describe Wouk life at the moment,mouth seem to have to much going on. A chameleon requires so much upkeep and any problems can cause much stress. Not only should you avoid chameleons because of the risk of taking on a third, but avoid them for yourself. It's another thing on your mind: mist, dust and feed, mist, mist, lights off, feed, and not to mention the infertile clutches and other possible health problems that can cause a huge vet bill that will be hard to deal with at 14. So what I'm trying to say is wait until you maybe have a place to your self in the future and you are more stable.
You can post pictures by clicking the paperclip icon when you go to reply. Look for it in the area where it says 'Fonts' and 'Sizes'. If you can't find the paperclip you can create a photobucket account and it will have a html link you can paste in your reply.
to saint jimmy: Have you ever owned another reptile? I was only trying to tell you guys how and why i got into chameleons in the first place. Secondly I am planning on sticking with chameleons however i now no what precautions to take when owning chams or any herp.

1st I am going to keep my cham cages of the ground by building drainage.
2nd I am from on going to be closing my reptile room door and putting the the dogs outside when handeling.

side note: I took this tragity as a learning experience. by the way I thank all of the members of this thread in being sraight forward and to the point on their opinions. I like when people don't sugar coat the truth.

God Bless and have a good rest of the week
I have to agree with a lot of you here, and I also will not sugar coat this. I have 3 crazy dogs, 1 of them wanting nothing more than to get a hold of my Cham (even tho she'd have no clue what to do with him, and would probably run once face to face) but I NEVER, let me repeat, NEVER have them any where near his cage while feeding or handling!! This could have absolutely been prevented. Very sad :(
I have to agree with a lot of you here, and I also will not sugar coat this. I have 3 crazy dogs, 1 of them wanting nothing more than to get a hold of my Cham (even tho she'd have no clue what to do with him, and would probably run once face to face) but I NEVER, let me repeat, NEVER have them any where near his cage while feeding or handling!! This could have absolutely been prevented. Very sad :(

I have to agree, my min pin is a serial killer and kills every bug and small animal that enters our yard. We even had a bunny living in our yard (because we have a pond and gardens that attract animals) and she brought us bunny feet a few days later as presents. She has caught a bird mid air and killed it. She would love nothing more than to get a hold of one of our lizards. We know this and so are very careful and make sure she cannot be near them. And I also know that if she did get one it would be our fault and not hers.
hiya matey...

Chams are not an easy pet to care for properly. At 14 I would have not been comfortable with much more than a hamster . After a year or two of keeping reps - and a year or research on and off i started with chams. I think as most of the others do here that you should keep them off your wanted list for a couple of years yet as with your track record of animals dying /getting killed.. you are not ready to provide a safe and adequate home for them
"Other herps" are in general easier to care for.

I've had a snake, some frogs, and a bearded dragon, but the chameleon requires the most care and caution.

I have had experience, I am around the same age as you, but that does not mean that I cannot prevent these things from happening.
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