New Member
My chameleon started to get a little bit of a puffy eye yesterday and refused to eat or drink. Now her eye is huge and she only keeps it open half the time, she also keeps attempting to rub it and the eye is watering. There is no vet available for 3 days! I’m going to assume it’s an infection mixed with a little bit of vitamin A deficiency. Are there any antibiotics anyone would suggest? And are there any vitamin a drops anyone recommends? Also if there is an antibiotic you suggest what would be the dosage? Iv heard good things about metronidazole and panacur for infections and parasites. I really would appreciate all the help I can get.
My chameleon started to get a little bit of a puffy eye yesterday and refused to eat or drink. Now her eye is huge and she only keeps it open half the time, she also keeps attempting to rub it and the eye is watering. There is no vet available for 3 days! I’m going to assume it’s an infection mixed with a little bit of vitamin A deficiency. Are there any antibiotics anyone would suggest? And are there any vitamin a drops anyone recommends? Also if there is an antibiotic you suggest what would be the dosage? Iv heard good things about metronidazole and panacur for infections and parasites. I really would appreciate all the help I can get.