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I need help, PLEASE! I realized when I came home that I accidently left my little guys cage open! He's gone! My room is a MESS from when my brother was here, so I need tips on how and where to find my guy! Should I get a bunch of plants and leave them in there?! Please help!
I found my Cham twice by my tv once sleeping behind it on the wires I also found her once on top of my blinds.... The wires and string for the blinds were easy for her to climb right things n places like that can give u ideas
only way to find it is to clean your room, just relax, they can go 2 days without food or water, so you have time to find him. But start cleaning.
a lot of times if you just sit still for long enough and watch youll see them moving but they wont move if your rummaging about franticly:D good luck
Im cleaning it up now. It seems that theres SO many little holes and areas where he could be. Would they go under a bed?

Tv, play station, anything that puts off heat is where he will go to. Or look for a high point. Clean your room and look for him careful not to step on him, mine was in the closet once.
Relax and yes, start cleaning your room. shouldn't be too hard to find. in most cases they are in plain sight.
Okay, i've got an idea. Should I make a free range for him, with a bowl of worms near it? Mealworms since they're his favorite, reptiworms, hornworms, waxworms, and crickets.
Okay, i've got an idea. Should I make a free range for him, with a bowl of worms near it? Mealworms since they're his favorite, reptiworms, hornworms, waxworms, and crickets.

why not? if i were you start cleaning your room. be careful not to step on him or something. if you dont find him make him an area with food.
take your time and be thorough. when you move something make sure he is not under, behind besides or any position to get smashed or pinned in. i accidentally did this to an iguana once. he had escaped and i moved boxes around and pinned him against the wall. unfortunately he did die from this and learned a valuable lesson from it.

good luck
Also, why don't you try just sitting on your bed or something quietly and still for a while and see if you can see him moving? They'll stay still for a while, but not forever. Especially if you set up hot spots for him. I free ranged all of mine loose in the house and I'd always find them up high or hanging off of cables. They were like the two rules.
Also, why don't you try just sitting on your bed or something quietly and still for a while and see if you can see him moving? They'll stay still for a while, but not forever. Especially if you set up hot spots for him. I free ranged all of mine loose in the house and I'd always find them up high or hanging off of cables. They were like the two rules.

I guess thats a good idea, its just my room seems harder than that. Ill see if I can record my room and show you guys to give me ideas on where to look.

For now, I set up a little free range, right under my lights. I hope he'll be attracted to it. In a bowl next to it i've put 8 mealworms, 3 waxworms, 2 hornworms, and 4 reptiworms.
there are a ton of other threads on people who lost their chams, you should scan those. typically people have luck finding them at night with a flash light because they get much lighter colored, its pretty easy to see them.

i dont know how small he is but.. are you sure he isnt still in the cage and you just cant spot him? i know when my guy was little i could literally stare at my cage for like 20 minutes and not spot him sometimes (behind a leaf or in an odd spot)

also - are you sure someone else didnt come in your room and just... take him out for some reason? idk why they would do that but its possible.
there are a ton of other threads on people who lost their chams, you should scan those. typically people have luck finding them at night with a flash light because they get much lighter colored, its pretty easy to see them.

i dont know how small he is but.. are you sure he isnt still in the cage and you just cant spot him? i know when my guy was little i could literally stare at my cage for like 20 minutes and not spot him sometimes (behind a leaf or in an odd spot)

also - are you sure someone else didnt come in your room and just... take him out for some reason? idk why they would do that but its possible.

Ill scan them ASAP. He should be asleep by now, but I don't know since im cleaning up.

He's 3 months old day after tomorrow. And yeah, I looked through his plants a lot before I started panicking.

Yeah, I asked. They said no. :(

Here's a video of my room. If you guys could give me some tips on where to look in here, I would really appreciate it.
Your room is a mess..just sayin lol

What I'd do is leave the room in peace for a while.. Go somewhere else in your house.. keep the door closed. He'll find his way to the food.

Also, did you leave the door open while gone? If so, you've got a bigger search area.
Your room is a mess..just sayin lol

What I'd do is leave the room in peace for a while.. Go somewhere else in your house.. keep the door closed. He'll find his way to the food.

Also, did you leave the door open while gone? If so, you've got a bigger search area.

Yeah I guess I should clean it up more. Especially around my desk and in my closet.

I guess, I just think he might be asleep right now. Ill do it anyway just incase.

And no, it was closed.
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