New Member
I recentley purchased a veiled cham. I have her for 3 weeks. The owner said it was male but i dont see spurs! Her appetite has been up to 10 crix a day and she has been rather active at hunting and basking. This past week i noticed her rubbing her eye on a stick....she then shed. Her eye seemed to still bother her she kept it shut and would rub was bulging. i took her to the vet and got were she recieved a shot and a cream for the she has both eyes closed and wont move much! i have been spraying her alot lately and her humity is at about 55% with a Repti 5.0 and a basking light at 84 degrees. she also has a waterfall. i feed gut loaded crix and offer collard greens but she dosent eat the greens. she hasnt opened her eyes much at ALL today to feed. Is she dehydrated?? how can i hydrate her quickly....i am also keeping a dish of water in her aquarium with calcium bone aid sand substate. PLEASE HELP