Chameleon Feeding Schedule


New Member
So my 9-10 month old panther is being fed every other day (10-12) crickets always dusted with calcium abd once a week either dusted with multivitamin or D3. Is this a proper feeding schedule?
yes it is but wouldnt you feed him something els then just crickets??
as long as he eats them.. i would feed them ofc
mabye try a grasshopper and some roaches or silkies
Here is the recommendation from
Babies (Up to 3
Daily 8-15 Pinhead – ¼”
Also offer fruit flies,
and small silkworms.
Juveniles (4-6
Daily 8-15 1/4”-1/2”
Also offer silkworm
and other feeder
insects as treats.
Sub-adults (7-12
Daily (6-7 days) 8-10 ½”-3/4” crickets Also offer silkworm
and other feeder
insects as treats.
Adults (13 months +) Every other day 10-12 adult crickets At this stage, begin
offering as much
variety in their diet.
For females that are
either gravid or have
recently laid eggs,
continue to feed daily.

Hope that helps also!

I have one that is 6months or a year old and he eats about 4 a day ! This guy I bought him from didn't give him no water and over dosed em on calcium
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