chameleon freaks out seeing a flower


Retired Moderator
I wonder, if this ever happened to you guys who own red hibiscus.
My Hibiscus flower finally blossomed.
With a bright smile i put the plant inside of the cage (thinking it will be a nice treat for him).

To my surprise, he freaks out, head butt the flower, and bite it off. (it's kinda funny, really)..
and that's the end of it. He left the flower alone and turn bright green again.

Is it because of the red color? or my cham just being silly?
Lol, I would have paid money to see that. :D:D. Thats funny how big is the Chameleon.
i know what you mean

I have zip ties that attach alot of my vines to the tree i have in my chams cage. I cut off the ends of the ties so there's nothing sharp left and my cham only attacks the red ties. He bites at them so i ziptied a leaf overtop of them so he can't see them anymore. It could have to do with the color red, i'm not sure!
That's why hibiscus is an ideal plant for them.
hibiscus is safe to eat and a little bit nutritious.
maybe the red freak out thing is why mine seem meanier when we have red clothes on.

thats pretty funny though, 1st post made me laugh
Butter will not eat or go near anything red. I left some skin on a bit of apple, and he went on a food strike for three days. He also will not eat carrots or sweet potato. He loves his dark greens, slivered apple, slivers of zuchinni, green beans, and sliced grape. I would imagine he would freak at a big red flower !!
thats is funny. mine loves his red fruit. everytime i put different color fruit in there he always goes for the red fruit first and then maybe if he still wants some he will get the other colors.
Chameleons can see a full spectrum of color and red in particular is very threatening.
Not all chameleons react to the color red this way, but many have been reported to act very strongly when exposed to it.
It seems you have one that is threatened by it.
I would shop for an orange or yellow hibiscus, or pluck the blooms before they open to alleviate this stress.

Silly Jake...

Mine freaks out when he sees yellow. I had him out on some gloves that had yellow between the fingers and he started ramming his head into my fingers and then bit me a couple of times. When I tried to put him back in the cage he wouldn't leave my hand alone! He gets a lot of yellow pigment when he is fired up.. so his aggression must trigger from other yellow things?
That's probably a pretty accurate assessment.
You're definitely safest using white, browns, black and greens with the enclosure and it's furniture. You may also need to wear a less "exciting" shirt when you tend to some chameleons.:)

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