Chameleon hands trembling please help!

Please help

New Member
I have a male veiled chameleon and his hands are shaking, he has a slight curve in his head casque, and some un digested food in his stool. His grip is strong, has no signs of bone fractures, he eats like a horse, and he climbs 24/ 7 his hands have been trembling lately and I'm very worried.:confused:
Male veiled chameleon 1 years old in my care for 7 months
Handle about once every 5 days
Diet includes crickets (calcium powder added every 2 weeks)meal worms, small moths
Calcium dusting every 2 weeks
I use a dripped for water, a fogger for mist for 3 hours, used to drink a lot and now I haven't seen him drink in a while
The stool is the color brown, withh un digested crickets, has been runny and has never been tested for parasites
and my caging is inadequate


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Does your calcium powder have vitamin d3? or is it just regular calcium. if it doesn't have d3 you need to go buy some and do it every other feeding for a week or so, so that it gets in his system then reduce it to once a week.

They have neurological problems if the calcium isn't being supplemented right so that could explain the hand trembling.
Male veiled chameleon 1 years old in my care for 7 months
Handle about once every 5 days
Diet includes crickets (calcium powder added every 2 weeks)meal worms, small moths
Calcium dusting every 2 weeks
I use a dripped for water, a fogger for mist for 3 hours, used to drink a lot and now I haven't seen him drink in a while
The stool is the color brown, withh un digested crickets, has been runny and has never been tested for parasites
and my caging is inadequate

Ok a couple questions, do you only dust his food with calcium every 2 weeks? Or are you telling me what you dust with? His food should be dusted VERY lightly every feeding. As mentioned earlier you need 2 kinds of calcium and a multi vitamin.

Tell me about his cage, is it glass or screen? How big is it? Now tall and how big across. What are the lights on top? And do you know the brand?

That will give me a lot more to go on. Thanks
His food is dusted with regular calcium every 2 weeks and the cage is glass but that's all I can really say about it
This board recommends calcium without D3 every day, D3 2x/month, multivitamins 2x/month.

I think minimally, you need to up the calcium for your chameleon.

It sort of sounds like you are buying crickets every 2 weeks and counting on Petsmart to have made them into good feeders.

If you went right home from Petsmart and fed them off, they'd be sort of okay feeders...but they really would still need a bit of calcium. You should shake a bit over them before putting them in with the chameleon.

If you are keeping some and feeding them off later, then you need to be feeding those crickets! You need to view your feeders as "carriers" for the food you want your chameleon to eat.

If your only source for supplements is Petsmart, then all the calcium you are likely to be able to buy will be enhanced with D3. You will want to turn to the internet to get Calcium without D3.

There are glass enclosures that are very good for chameleons, so don't be afraid to tell us what you have.

However, if you are keeping him in a "fish tank" you need to take special precautions (and, accept the fact that people will snark at you). You need to put the heat lamp as far off to one side. You want to establish a "warm" side and a "cool" side...air will naturally flow from the cool to the warm creating "ventilation".
It looks hot. Do you know your temperatures in the enclosure?

That's a small space so I think you need a more narrow temperature range than some. I would think you want the hottest spot to be about 84 degrees and the other side of the enclosure to be in the mid 70s.
He has been producing a foul substandard I think to cool him off if I'm correct. Does this explain his un digested food?
I don't understand your post. I suspect you are working in another language and using an online translation service. If that's true, please let us know what your primary language is. We can work with you if we know what the communication issues are.
No I just suck at typing. My chemaleon was excreting a foul substance today and I was told it was because he is over heated, but does this explain the undigested food in his poop?

The cage actual looks pretty good. It has substrate I think which is dangerous as a chameleon could eat one and get impacted but other than that the cage looks good.
Stinky poop is often a sign of a parasite. You probably want to take a sample to a vet for a check. Even a regular vet who doesn't specialize in reptiles should be able to do a fecal test for you and let you know if you do need to take him to a reptile vet.

What are your temperatures in the enclosure?
Are you using a night light? If so, he doesn't need it (unless your house goes under 60 degrees at night). As someone mentioned, how old is the UVB bulb? If it is over 5 months old, get a new one. What is the humidity %? Temps?

I can't tell by looking at the cage, but at his age he should be in a 2'x2'x4' tall enclosure (preferably screen, but if you live in a cold/very dry area than a glass would be ideal).

There are Rep-Cal supplements that would benefit your cham very well. There is a no D3 that you should be using every day, one with D3 that you should be using twice a month, and a multivitamin that you should be using twice a month. There is also Repashy Calcium Plus, which you can use 3-4 times a week.

Could you get him out of his cage and take some more pics? From what I can see, he looks a little malnourished and may have Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD).
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