Chameleon Hearing? Loss of Sleep


New Member
So..I'm realllly sick suspectingly mono and I'm pretty miserable..I wake up in coughing fits and sniffling all night long. I went to check on Kaleo and his eyes were open. Do chameleons hear well? Have i been keeping him up? Poor can I prevent this? Sleep in a different room? Help! I dont want him losing sleep because I'm miserable. He shouldn't be miserable too.
Chameleons do not hear sound in the same sense that we do (in effect, they do not have ears). Rather they "hear" vibrations.....sorry I don't know more specific on the details, but I wouldn't worry too much about your noise keeping him up.

Perhaps a light or something that you turned on caught his attention?
I have q night light in my room I turned on it wasnt directly shown at his cage but I understand how that would be a cause to wake. Thank you :) I'll try to refrain from turning lights on at night poor lil guy.
Chameleons don't have ears. They sense vibrations through their skin at the feet. And they have very sharp eyesight. Maybe the reason for color change is the lack of hearing. But they also react to lighting. Night should be dark and an appropriate temperature. Anything else should not matter.
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