Valerie crouch
New Member
So this is how I was able to stop using misters and drippers. My Cham used to try to catch my beta fish because of the movement and bright colors, so I brought home some guppies to see if it would help me train him to drink from a large tank because he is free range. It worked!!! He quickly got bored trying to catch the fish, and now drinks from my guppy tank. I do want to say to you all that if you do this place the tank away from where your Cham likes to poop to prevent sickness for all, and stay on top of your water. It has to be very clean all the time!! The one with the bowl is how I taught them (I have a male and female veiled and they each have their own guppy tank). Now they drink out of the bigger tanks in the picture of my boots habitat I have here.