Chameleon Lighting

I guess you guys never heard of retileuv before. Or tried their products. Ive been using it for a 4 months and my cham is very healthy.
I guess you guys never heard of retileuv before. Or tried their products. Ive been using it for a 4 months and my cham is very healthy.

nope...sorry for my ignorance...but "why fix something and isnt broken":p...i understand for research purposes, but for the average cham owner...idk
yes it is.

Then why didn't you say you were using a UVB bulb in the first place???? Then we wouldn't have had to have this debate over your lighting. You led us to believe that you had no UVB at all. Out of curiosity where are you from? Do you live in the states?
Its kewl guys, I know that last thing anyone want to see is a sick cham, as far as why I dont like tubes ,the tube bulbs are supposedly only good for 3 months and the metal halide for 2years+ so its a bit of money saved and one burned his eyes a bit, and I used to do saltwater reefs, 150g and a 90g, I got into different types of lighting ect in that hobby. And Ive seen something where they were trying to make UV producing LED's which would give some huge options.
nope...sorry for my ignorance...but "why fix something and isnt broken":p...i understand for research purposes, but for the average cham owner...idk

I agree with ACE on this. A Halide bulb is not recommended for chams by either the expert breeders on this forum or European breeders and there are reasons for this. The UVB output is not adaquate for a cham and the lighting is too bright and too hot. Your cham may be healthy now...but what about the future. If you want to chance it and go against what the tried and true lighting works and higly recommended by other cham owners..then so be it. Were're only here to advise you and help your cham live a long and healthy life. That's the best that we can do. You asked the questions and we answered tham what you do with the information is up to you.
My reasoning is that you would want to replicate the natural sun as close as possible. And I am able to do that with the reptileuv product. The cage is 48x36x24 with a tall ficus to climb on combined with vines and then the lower area is a ficus and a jade.
It was a 5.0 tube. Once I got rid of it every thing is perfect.
I'm currently using 50 watt basking (every living thing brand) inside a flaker basking lamp that sits on the cage top & repisun 5.0 tube flourescent which also sits right on the cage top.
I'm wondering what you meant by that... once you got rid of the 5.o tube everything is perfect? Was there a problem for you with your cham using that because I've had some issues w/ my cham closing eyes during the day & I believe someone suggest trying to rid the tube flourescent UVB bulb light (could be wrong though). So I'm wondering what you meant. Where use using reptisun 5.0 tube flourescent? If so what problems did you have? TIA!!!!!!!
My reasoning is that you would want to replicate the natural sun as close as possible. And I am able to do that with the reptileuv product. The cage is 48x36x24 with a tall ficus to climb on combined with vines and then the lower area is a ficus and a jade.

I just got on the site for Mega Ray and they are recommended for desert animals that need both high light and heat output There is nothing mentioned on there for chams that I could see. such as
o Iguanas
o Bearded Dragons
o Water Dragons
o Turtles and Tortoises

Chams require completely different lighting then the animals listed above.
I'm currently using 50 watt basking (every living thing brand) inside a flaker basking lamp that sits on the cage top & repisun 5.0 tube flourescent which also sits right on the cage top.
I'm wondering what you meant by that... once you got rid of the 5.o tube everything is perfect? Was there a problem for you with your cham using that because I've had some issues w/ my cham closing eyes during the day & I believe someone suggest trying to rid the tube flourescent UVB bulb light (could be wrong though). So I'm wondering what you meant. Where use using reptisun 5.0 tube flourescent? If so what problems did you have? TIA!!!!!!!

Oops. sorry! I read more & I believe your using UVB, but if I'm wrong please feel free to correct me. TIA
I'm currently using 50 watt basking (every living thing brand) inside a flaker basking lamp that sits on the cage top & repisun 5.0 tube flourescent which also sits right on the cage top.
I'm wondering what you meant by that... once you got rid of the 5.o tube everything is perfect? Was there a problem for you with your cham using that because I've had some issues w/ my cham closing eyes during the day & I believe someone suggest trying to rid the tube flourescent UVB bulb light (could be wrong though). So I'm wondering what you meant. Where use using reptisun 5.0 tube flourescent? If so what problems did you have? TIA!!!!!!!

I highly suggest that you do not remove your 5.0 UVB bulb!!! The 5.0 is not harmful to your chams eyes. If your cham is showing any type of symptoms and closing it's eyes it is not because of the UVB bulb. The symptoms are from something else. What is the temp of your basking spot. It is suggested that you use a simple household bulb for lighting.
I was using a repti5.0 tube UV bulb and my chameleon had crusty/sore eyes, Id remove the light and in 2 days his eyes would heal. Concluded it was photo-kerato-conjunctivitis. Heres a link about the study about it. Most of the study was done on the 10.0 and compacts as you guys have brought up already but there was no mistaking that the 5.0 tube that I wad was causing my chams eye problems. So I switched the the reptileuv metal halide My chams colors are very vivid, he is active and energetic, his eyes are clean and clear, I had a regular heat bulb and the reptileUV mh bulb both on and the chameleon always chose the metal halide to bask.
I highly suggest that you do not remove your 5.0 UVB bulb!!! The 5.0 is not harmful to your chams eyes. If your cham is showing any type of symptoms and closing it's eyes it is not because of the UVB bulb. The symptoms are from something else. What is the temp of your basking spot. It is suggested that you use a simple household bulb for lighting.

I think I am & haven't removed anything but thought it was interesting that he might have & there was a problem from it. I am however using a 50 watt basking bulb (think-"every living thing" is the brand) I did have a YAYYY moment a minute ago & got him to drink when I misted:D. So I just hope things get better & better from here. Thanks for you reply:)
I think I am & haven't removed anything but thought it was interesting that he might have & there was a problem from it. I am however using a 50 watt basking bulb (think-"every living thing" is the brand) I did have a YAYYY moment a minute ago & got him to drink when I misted:D. So I just hope things get better & better from here. Thanks for you reply:)[/QUOTE

It's great to see them drinking!! So you know that they are keeping hydrated. Definitely deserves a congrats!! :) Mine drink directly out of the spray bottle which is nice so I know how much water they're drinking at all times.
I was using a repti5.0 tube UV bulb and my chameleon had crusty/sore eyes, Id remove the light and in 2 days his eyes would heal. Concluded it was photo-kerato-conjunctivitis. Heres a link about the study about it. Most of the study was done on the 10.0 and compacts as you guys have brought up already but there was no mistaking that the 5.0 tube that I wad was causing my chams eye problems. So I switched the the reptileuv metal halide My chams colors are very vivid, he is active and energetic, his eyes are clean and clear, I had a regular heat bulb and the reptileUV mh bulb both on and the chameleon always chose the metal halide to bask.

The key words here is 10.0 UVB and Compacts. Both have been a cause for hurting a chams eyes because the output of UVB is too high. I haven't heard of anybody on the forum that has had trouble with a linear tube 5.0 UVB and hurting a chams eyes. If I were you I would search lighting on this forum and do some more research before you poo poo the 5.0. Just MHOP
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