Chameleon Living Arrangement - Advice Needed


New Member
Long story short, I'm moving out of my current place due to harassment/threats from a neighbor (there's some drug use going on and I don't want to be around it) in a month and my coworker offered to let me stay in her house while she's in CA during May for free in exchange for looking after her cats & dog while I find a new place.

The problem - I don't think it'd be okay or safe for my 1 year old panther (Jake, pictured here late shed) because of the other animals, especially the cats... I definitely am not comfortable with the idea. I'm trying to find another place for him to go short-term. The idea of renting a climate-controlled storage unit for the month seems to be the frontrunner, but I'm a little skeptical. I'm ok with spending the money, as I won't be paying rent anyway, but I was wondering if you awesome people have any words of wisdom or other creative ideas.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


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Probably not for another few months; I'm in Oregon, so the humidity wouldn't be an issue but it's not quite warm enough at night that he'd be okay.
Just put the cage in another room, and keep the door shut at all times.

not all cats are interested in chams.
mine didnt care at all, and i have 5 chams.
What is the exact situation with the cats? I have two cats and quite honestly, they couldn't care less about my cham. When he free ranges, I keep an eye on them, or have him range in a closed off room, but otherwise, when he's in his cage, they don't have any real impact on him.
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