chameleon names??? gt any???


New Member
hi, im tryig to think of some new names for a panther chameleon i might be getting soon. ive looked ll over the net and the only ones i found that i liked was max and dave, so if u got any please share :)
I've been trying to get my GF used to the idea of naming ours Chamelio Estevez. She doesn't seem to fond of it though. :(

I am fans of plain short people names for animals. Like John, Steve, Frank, Etc. It works.
What color is he/she? What is your favorite movie character? List off some stuff you like and I'll get a better idea. MaximumDave!
My female ambilobe is Momo. Soon ill get a male, then i have to start thinking about a name to him..:p

Good luck on the name choice!

greetings: Ricardo
I used some name producer thing..It came out Leo the pimp..LOL..
You are supposed to enter your name.. I used BOB as it was the most bland name I could think are some places you can have fun with posted by klangford.

Those name generator things are junk hahaha. In one of my old bands we tried one because we could figure out a name. The funniest one it generated was Flight of the demonic elk:confused: WHAT!!!! hahahaa

Good luck on a name. I always try to figure one out after I have them for a little while and get to know the demeanor of it first.
You know..that name you just said reminds me of a band..Vampyre Moose or something like that..Always sounded like someone pulled it outta their -------.

Good luck..Youll know when you think of it/see it/hear it..Itll just Click.
yeh.... about this i aint even gt my chameleon yt lol i might be gettn it 4 ma birthday. Am thinkkin of max for a name of dave :). i also is a bit unsure of my water supply, i gt a huge waterfall and a nice mister and yes i will spray it around 2wice a day... (u still gt any more names or is ma water supply alright???)
yeh.... about this i aint even gt my chameleon yt lol i might be gettn it 4 ma birthday. Am thinkkin of max for a name of dave :). i also is a bit unsure of my water supply, i gt a huge waterfall and a nice mister and yes i will spray it around 2wice a day... (u still gt any more names or is ma water supply alright???)

Joe waterfalls are a no-no. They can harbor harmful bacteria. Please do your research VERY carefully and thoroughly. Is your birthday coming up soon? You should have his cage set up and ready for him BEFORE he arrives. Maybe this should be a new thread.

You've got a wealth of information here on this site and lots of good people ready to help. Learn as much as you can BEFORE you get your cham.
oo...oo 1 more thing i dont really want 2 name it aftr any pets av had or got lol

berber skink= memphis
bearded dragon= sparks
fish=(dont really mattr i renamed um every day:) )
aunties tortoise= frank/franklin
mams boyfriend= dave( :mad: stole 1 of ma top names biach)
and i THINK thts it :)
toniandgizmo i was planning of changing at puttin water sterolizr in the waterfall everyday clean him every day and get his cage set up be4 i gt him ight?.
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