Chameleon not sleeping

Chameleons are shy drinkers , so you may not see them drinking, the best way to know if they are hydrated is with their poop , that's why I asked , if you can take a picture of her next poop would be helpful
Okay I have added you so when I see it pooped again I’ll make sure to show you
Ok only males have tarsul spurs, so if you get pictures of the back feet ( they should have easily sexed a veiled )


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Also which one would you recommend is this one good? View attachment 338593
I agree digital is the way forward, personally I’d get 2 and site one like flick boy said on the basking branch but take into consideration when your Cham is on branch his back will be slightly higher than the affixed probe so allow for this,, also one in the middle somewhere so you can monitor humidity, I’m assuming the ones your looking at do both. Maybe consider a dimmer switch on basking bulb if your struggling to accurately get it right 👍
I agree digital is the way forward, personally I’d get 2 and site one like flick boy said on the basking branch but take into consideration when your Cham is on branch his back will be slightly higher than the affixed probe so allow for this,, also one in the middle somewhere so you can monitor humidity, I’m assuming the ones your looking at do both. Maybe consider a dimmer switch on basking bulb if your struggling to accurately get it right 👍
thank you I’ll look at where to put them
Basically its a guide on how to look after and care for animals etc, looks like a nice cage and layout and your asking questions on the forum which is good, there are far more qualified people on here than me and no doubt they will help you get everything set up correctly 👍
Thank you man I appreciate
What could my chameleon not sleeping mean tho cause it’s way past it’s bed time and it hasn’t slept like last night I checked if it was sleeping around midnight and it was looking at me lol
That’s good you’re not using one. But 70-75 degrees at night could be the reason your cham isn’t sleeping. The temps are pretty high and won’t trigger the cham to sleep or at least get in a deep sleep. In long term, this could even affect the chams immune system. They need a deep sleep to recuperate. To stimulate this a temperature drop of 10 degrees at night is recommended. Aiming for 65 degrees would be best.
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