Chameleon not using his dripper

Something Cold

New Member
Hey everyone have another question. This one relates to my cham and his reluctancy to use his dripper. Ive had my cham for about 4 days now and not once have I seen him drink using his dripper. Don't get me wrong I have seen him drinking, earlier today i had him outside enjoying the good weather and he drank quite a bit out of a hamster water bottle, but just not out of his little dripper. He will walk up the branch adjacent to the drip spot and stop and look at it. So i guess the question I have is, is there a certain spot in the cage where he would be more likely to drink?
sometimes it takes a cham allot longer to get used to being in there new place u have only had him for 4 days it may still be adjusting.
also try to make sure that the dripper is hitting leafs so that he can drink from them.
Sometimes you don't see them drink. They tend to be secretive about stuff like that. The best thing to do is monitor the urates (the light part of the poop) as long at that is creamy or white, your chameleon is drinking.

My suggestion is to get the dripper going, then soak the cage like crazy, then walk away! Don't look! Don't watch! If you're tech savy, you could set up a camera to monitor him, but if you're there it's probable that no drinking will happen.
Sometimes you don't see them drink. They tend to be secretive about stuff like that. The best thing to do is monitor the urates (the light part of the poop) as long at that is creamy or white, your chameleon is drinking.

My suggestion is to get the dripper going, then soak the cage like crazy, then walk away! Don't look! Don't watch! If you're tech savy, you could set up a camera to monitor him, but if you're there it's probable that no drinking will happen.

yeah they have a really good way of making keepers paranoid don't they :D lol But like Eliza said watch your chameleons urates. THat is what I do, I occasionally see my baby girl drink but not a lot. Some are just shy with that sort of stuff.
I still haven't run out of fingers counting the number of times I've seen my big guy drink. We're up to 7. I've had him 19 months.
in the bottom of my chams cage I have a bowl with bamboo sticks in it and he sees the water drip into that and drinks from that. but he also drinks from the mister, hardly pulling down the lever so there is a thin constant jet and for a second put it on his lips and then he'll drink it up and that do it again
in the bottom of my chams cage I have a bowl with bamboo sticks in it and he sees the water drip into that and drinks from that. but he also drinks from the mister, hardly pulling down the lever so there is a thin constant jet and for a second put it on his lips and then he'll drink it up and that do it again

Not to alarm you but that is an awful idea with the bamboo going into the already dripped water. The water if he does happen to drink out of it which I doubt he will, will most likely be infested with bacteria. I am sure you change it frequently but I wouldn't personally take that risk myself. I would create some drainage in the bottom of your enclosure to let all of that water out of there when it drips.
I have to agree about the bowl. Anything could fall in there, poop for examle, and contamibnate the water. If you must have a drip catcher at the bottom it's a good idea to cover it with mesh so he can't get into it.

I don't see my girl drinking from the drippper but her urates are white so I KNOW she drinks when I'm not around. She will drink from the mist too but not every day. I have caught her with her head under the drip and she looks at it longingly when the water's run out :D

As long as his urates are white he IS drinking so don't worry too much :)
I have a baby Nosy be and he refuses to eat or drink if he sees me, though he is strarting to show signs of getting used to me, like coming out of hidding and sitting out in the open.

I still have to feed him "free range go and hunt" method! which means lots of feeders end up getting out of the cage and hoping around my house :eek:

He will not have anything to do with any sort of feeding cup.
But he does stare at it for a while before walking away, which is an improvement over running for his life at the very sight of it!! :eek:

Only 4 days is not even close to enough time.

It can take weeks, or even months of patience to "tame" your cham :p

Also, I agree with the above, as long as you see solid dark poops and urates, everything is fine.
Dont forget, the chameleon is a master at doing things undetected ;)
I have a baby Nosy be and he refuses to eat or drink if he sees me, though he is strarting to show signs of getting used to me, like coming out of hidding and sitting out in the open.

I still have to feed him "free range go and hunt" method! which means lots of feeders end up getting out of the cage and hoping around my house :eek:

He will not have anything to do with any sort of feeding cup.
But he does stare at it for a while before walking away, which is an improvement over running for his life at the very sight of it!! :eek:

Only 4 days is not even close to enough time.

It can take weeks, or even months of patience to "tame" your cham :p

Also, I agree with the above, as long as you see solid dark poops and urates, everything is fine.
Dont forget, the chameleon is a master at doing things undetected ;)

I was also worried about mine, I haven't seem him drink either. Thank you for the reassurance. I'll give him some time. I wish this forum had a "thanks" button on posts though. :)
Thanks for the replies guys. I never realized that they were that secretive. I'll definitely keep an eye on his droppings. Again guys thanks!
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