Chameleon one eye closed.


New Member
Hello everyone, My cham MJ had one eye closed for a few days. i just wanted to let everyone kno that i used the shower method an put a fake plant on the window an just took a shower so the humidity levels were high an when we got out her eye was opened again an now i have a happy lil girl :) thanks to all the people here on the forums.
Well her eye is bad again it seems an i will be postin pics soon. I just moved her to a new cage she was in a 90gal tank but now is in a 36-18-18 cage
okay ill do that a few more times see if it helps more it should. an i think it started when she had dumped her food cup an the crickets swarmed on her an one may have got its leg in her eye. when i do the shower ima do the warm wet q tip trick an see if i can get anything out of her eye. an the pics will be up today.
May I suggest some more foliage at the top and more horizontal walkways?

Some extra foliage could be given by either some fake plants (as long as MJ doesn't try to eat them) or a hanging basket (maybe an umbrella plant or pothos).

Extra walkways, either some branches from outside, sterilised (baked or steeped in boiling water) and cut to size. They can be pinned on through the mesh at the sides or tied on with something strong and durable like fishing wire. Alternatively you could buy some more vines and tie them to the sides in a criss-cross pattern.
well i do have some fake plants that im going to put on the sides just didnt do it yet an i got a pothos that ima transplant so i can hang it in a corner. an yea i gotta get some sticks lol thank you.
Cool :) I understand how it's awkward to get work done sometimes! I still don't think I'm 100% happy with our setup.

She's a pretty little girl!
right lol an thanks shes like 7 months old i think not sure. shes a slow grower but now i put her in a new cage she will start growing hopfully.
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