Chameleon passing


New Member
Just thought I would let everyone know I lost one of my cams. Panther passed awys early sunday morning. Still waiting for the test results of what happened. He will truly be missed


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they do look sunken but that boy was forever drinking and still his eyes never really bulged out to their full extent.He ate like a horse and his water intact crossed him with a
Yeah he loved his showers and soakes in bowl of warm water,he would always run to the mister when it was runin and he loved to eat. He was a big baby and loved to be scratched under the chin. or just to sit a watch you and when you touch the cage he would come was a sad day. Thanks everyone
Sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful chameleon.

How old was he? How long was he with you?
What were the symptoms before he died?
Sorry to hear about your little boy passing. He was a gorgeous cham. Did you get the results in yet as to what happened? Were you kinda expecting it? Was he sick at all? Or a sudden surprise?

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