Chameleon Poop?


New Member
For a few days, my adult female Jackson cham would not eat. 2 days before that was when I saw her last poop. Then I gave her a lot of waxworms, like 7 because she didnt eat for a while and she ate them. I was just so excited she was eating I didnt even realize that I fed her too many! I fed her yesterday (friday, August 17th). Now it is saturday night and I still havent seen any poop. I mean... she might have just not been pooping because she didnt eat much, and then she didnt poop yet after her meal because it is a huge meal to digest. I do have one plant at the way way bottom of the tank with organic soil in it, but she usually stays at the top of the cage and I have never seen her ingest any soil. Should I be worried, or will she just unload everything (if you know what I mean) sometime soon? I fed her in the afternoon on friday, so she had the rest of the day to digest. Her lights dont go out until 9:30 at night.
For a few days, my adult female Jackson cham would not eat. 2 days before that was when I saw her last poop. Then I gave her a lot of waxworms, like 7 because she didnt eat for a while and she ate them. I was just so excited she was eating I didnt even realize that I fed her too many! I fed her yesterday (friday, August 17th). Now it is saturday night and I still havent seen any poop. I mean... she might have just not been pooping because she didnt eat much, and then she didnt poop yet after her meal because it is a huge meal to digest. I do have one plant at the way way bottom of the tank with organic soil in it, but she usually stays at the top of the cage and I have never seen her ingest any soil. Should I be worried, or will she just unload everything (if you know what I mean) sometime soon? I fed her in the afternoon on friday, so she had the rest of the day to digest. Her lights dont go out until 9:30 at night.

She still does produce urates however, and they are nice and white. No poop yet though.
Mine shed friday morning, ate like a horse for 2 days, then had a poop half as long as its body. Id wait one more day and go poop hunting. The only advice i could give is for veiled, my vet recommended canned pumpkin, like for a pie before spice and sugar, just raw pumpkin mush.
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