Chameleon Purr?


New Member
So I read in a chameleon book today that Chamaeleonids are known to emit purrs from their body much like other members of the animal kingdom. Apparently you can even feel it to the touch too! Has anyone ever felt or heard their cham purr?
Never heard of this. What is the name of the book? Would be interested in seeing where the source of this info is coming from.
Someone said recently here that they do that as a manner of defense. It's like a vibration?
The book is called The Chameleon Handbook by Francois Le Berre. I picked it up at the store the other day to check out. It says it may be used as a form of communication with other chameleons.
Someone said recently here that they do that as a manner of defense. It's like a vibration?

They will kinda huff or make like a "pfff" as a matter of defense or when they are mad but I have never heard of purring.
They will kinda huff or make like a "pfff" as a matter of defense or when they are mad but I have never heard of purring.

Someone I know is very good with chameleons science-wise (I'm almost sure he is a herpetologist) and hes been keeping chams forever.

He says sometimes they use vibrations to scare males away or communicate with females or whatever. Since you know vibrations can travel along branches?

I don't know if it's true but it makes a little sense
While im handling my chameleon he vibrated like a cell phone for a second. But I didnt hear any noise. I think it can be purr thing. My cham hates me maybe thats why he did that thing.
Someone I know is very good with chameleons science-wise (I'm almost sure he is a herpetologist) and hes been keeping chams forever.

He says sometimes they use vibrations to scare males away or communicate with females or whatever. Since you know vibrations can travel along branches?

I don't know if it's true but it makes a little sense

I think he is right. In the book it says the vibrations can travel a long ways and through many obstacles. Maybe its a way to look for a mate? I feel like in the wild this would give away their position if it is so easily felt.
I think he is right. In the book it says the vibrations can travel a long ways and through many obstacles. Maybe its a way to look for a mate? I feel like in the wild this would give away their position if it is so easily felt.

it's like tapping on a stick, the stick shakes. a female possibly on the other side would get the low/high vibration and be notified earlier of a male wanting to mate or whatever
Very interesting to me that both the male and female are known to do it. I may have misunderstood, but it sounds like you can get the purr from "direct touch"...i just imagined a giant chameleon sitting on my lap like a cat purring haha.

A gentle giant parsons with its soft skin purring and rubbing its face on you like a cat! lol.

In my dreams
My veilded cham purr and vibrate while they are purring.
According to the cham books, its a form of communication but NOT
More like they are saying, 'Umm, that feels so good', or, "Hey you over there,
your hot, let's dance"!!

I have never felt (you can hear it too) the vibration when they are on the defensive and all puffed up.

When I rub Smeagie's chin, his body goes relaxed, he closes his eyes, and he purrs and vibrates.
This does not happen often like every time I pet him, most times he just looks
at me like, 'what do you think your doing?'

So, he must be in a special mood.

I have never seen a panther or jax do it, only veiled.
My Jackson shakes like that right before he goes to sleep, and when he wakes up.
The first time he did it, it took me by surprise and scared me since I had him on my hand watching tv, he felt my vibe and spook him up too! but he quietly went to sleep
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