Chameleon safe glue

Jonah S

New Member
My new baby veiled showed me how he is able to get between the screen I have and the plastic lid that the screen is attached to. I need to seal it so he can't get up there and a lot of glues have giant warning signs for harmful vapors. What can I use that won't give off bad fumes that will also allow me to glue/seal the plastic lid to the metal mesh screen lid?
The blue plastic beneath the screen is what I need to glue/seal.
I just glued everything to everything basically. Sealed the seams too. The hot glue suggestion worked great, thanks a ton :)
If the bugs are able to chew on the hot glue, injest it and are then eaten by the chameleon, wouldnt that be a bad thing?
I'd rather use aquarium safe non toxic silicon as a "glue"
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