Chameleon set up, thoughts?


New Member
Male veiled prob 6 months old, hes about 5-6 inches without tail.

i will attach picture, but some notes on my set up and care:

enclosure is the large one as youll see. i think its about 5 feet tall

got some vines/etc for him to climb

got a water dripper (the little dripper) that drops on a leaf and slowly rolls off, it drips once every 7-8 seconds or so.

I have the UVB light which stays on in day time, as well as a day time heat bulb

the bulb during the day puts ambient temps around 82-84, while the higher hotter spots for him to chill and bask seem to reside around 88+

I mist the entire enclosure usually 2x a day to keep some humidity.

bowl at bottom collects dripper water and emptied daily

(oh and drinking and misting water is bottled water w.o added minerals, deer park to be exact)

night time the bulbs are off and temps stay about 74-75. if the AC is kickin *** or its a cool night ill put on the night bulb which is a moonlight bulb which has barely any light at all and keeps temps 75ish

I feed him crickets and occasional mealworms right now. crickets so he can hunt em down, meal worms in between so i can put em on my hand and slowly get him used to my hand being near him without stressin him out :)

so, questions, thoughts, criticism? lets hear it :) I want to make his home PERFECT! :D


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Male veiled prob 6 months old, hes about 5-6 inches without tail.

i will attach picture, but some notes on my set up and care:

enclosure is the large one as youll see. i think its about 5 feet tall

got some vines/etc for him to climb

got a water dripper (the little dripper) that drops on a leaf and slowly rolls off, it drips once every 7-8 seconds or so.

I have the UVB light which stays on in day time, as well as a day time heat bulb

the bulb during the day puts ambient temps around 82-84, while the higher hotter spots for him to chill and bask seem to reside around 88+

I mist the entire enclosure usually 2x a day to keep some humidity.

bowl at bottom collects dripper water and emptied daily

(oh and drinking and misting water is bottled water w.o added minerals, deer park to be exact)

night time the bulbs are off and temps stay about 74-75. if the AC is kickin *** or its a cool night ill put on the night bulb which is a moonlight bulb which has barely any light at all and keeps temps 75ish

I feed him crickets and occasional mealworms right now. crickets so he can hunt em down, meal worms in between so i can put em on my hand and slowly get him used to my hand being near him without stressin him out :)

so, questions, thoughts, criticism? lets hear it :) I want to make his home PERFECT! :D

Congrats on the new cham :)

Keep an eye on that little dripper. Sometimes they stop for no reason and you have to tinker with the flow for it to start up again. It's a bit of a pain but at least it's cheap :p

You can let the temps drop to about 60F at night, so you shouldn't have to worry about that heat bulb at night at all. Even the littlest of light will annoy them... You should have a gradient of 88-90 at basking spot and a scale down to 72 at the bottom if you can get that. Mid 80's through the enclosure is a bit high.

Good tactic with the mealworms. I'm sure you already know this--but you'll want to change up the food quite a bit to give him the best balanced diet.

Lastly, you'll want a lot more for your little guy to hide behind. Seems like he's got plenty to climb on, but there's really nowhere for him to keep himself hidden from things. They like that a lot. I'd suggest putting a live pothos in there, or a pilea. They fill out pretty well and you can hang them on the top of the enclosure and it'll droop down and give plenty of places to hide throughout the whole thing, once they're big enough. You can either get small ones and wait for them to grow in, or even better, just buy a huge one at a flower shop or Lowe's or something.

Looks like you've got it all pretty much figured out, otherwise, though :) Good job and looks like you'll be a nice owner for this little guy
More foliage would make him more comfortable for sure. I don't worry about night time temps until they drop below 58-60 degrees, so I wouldn't recommend the night light right now. I know some have a different opinion on this, but meal worms are a little harder to digest, I wouldn't suggest them, I would suggest switching to silk worms, butter worms make good treats, or even horned worms. Dubai roaches also make a good substitute from crickets.
Thank you all for that advice! That will definitely be on my mind.

yeah i watch the dripper non stop, i am paranoid about things like that, so that wont be an issue :)

and definitely noted on the night temps, didnt know it could go that low :)

i think I am going to re arrange the vines and get some more foliage in there this weekend to make the temps more balanced, give a good solid basking spot, and get something more for him to hide with. :)

thanks again guys :)!!!
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