chameleon sick


so i went to utah for a week and let my good friend take care of my lizards. He has reptiles as well so i thought she would be fine. i got back and she is throwing up, Sunken eyes, and is not standing up in my hands. I know you guys are going to hate me and make fun of me but i dont have money for a vet. What can i do? she is dehydrated. i heared something about a shower that helps so what is that and how do i d
I'm so sorry this happened. So you have any idea what might have happened while you were away?

As for the shower, put her on a very sturdy plant in the shower and aim the shower head at the wall so that it bounces of the wall and onto the plant in a fine mist. Make it pretty warm but not hot. Keep an eye on her the whole time but you can do it for 20-30 minutes
okay well i dont know what happened but she is very dehydrated and i sprayed some water on the plants next to her amd she threw it all up. i did it 10 min later and she threw that up. I dont want to try the shower because i dont want her going threw that again i sprayed only one pump on the plant at a time now and she has not thrown up yet. Her eyes are closed almost the whole time and she only opens them when she moves around
She doesn't look dehydrated to me. They will retract their eyes into their skulls when sick, in pain. If they have an eye infection or a scratch to the eye they will retract the eye (to relieve pressure of the painful eye against the eyelid I think). Is she possibly egg bound? With her bright colors I lean towards being egg bound but I don't know female veiled colors.
she layed her eggs about a month ago. i doubt she is eggbound. She seems dehydrated to me. I dont know what to do. ill see what happens in the morning
Parasitism is a health problem that can be hazardous overtime,once the chameleon immune system is down ,they will attack in large numbers,avoid buying dirty cricket from a pet store when they not well taking care of the feeder,check the poop to see if is extra smelly ,the best thing is the fecal float test,but I am aware in ur situation.
Most parasites live “harmoniously” inside your chameleon’s body as long as your chameleon’s immune system is active enough to suppress the parasites reproduction rate.
The things u mentioned above.,..
throwing up, Sunken eyes, and is not standing up in my hands
These can be part of the symptoms.
We are not going to "make fun of you" because you don't have money for a vet. We get frustrated with keepers who don't lay aside funds for vet care however. Either way, your cham is very very sick and you really don't have a choice IMHO. Vomiting is quite serious. She isn't drinking or can't drink, but dehydration doesn't cause vomiting directly. Another possibility....She still looks pretty bloated despite laying eggs that recently. Possibly she has some retained eggs?
I really dont have money. Is there free check ups or something? how could i help her? vet checkups are like 70$ right?
I doubt this is something that can be handled without a vet. If she can't eat or drink without vomiting she's just going to get weaker and sicker. Ask the vet if they can set up a payment plan for you. Either that or find a rescue that can take your cham and get her the care she needs. If you can't, the kindest thing may be to euthanize her and end her suffering.
her colors are the most bright i have ever seen. She barley stands up and is just leaving her eyes closed. what does it mean.
It will have to go thru the diagnosis from the test perform by the vet,personally I think its parasite related especially with Coccidia that can cause the cham has sunken eyes,vomiting and feeling lethargic.
@Carlton and @jajeanpierre mentioned the possibility on the egg retained....when was that picture taken ? Is she still shedding??
Have u asking ur good friend about what is she been eating n notice any abnormal behavior like u been mentioned after u came back from Utah??
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